Skons / hassio-addons

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unable to validate payload #34

Closed Sarnog closed 2 years ago

Sarnog commented 2 years ago

When i run the automation to update the gas price for a single station, configured like this:


I get this error:

ERROR   : unable to validate payload '{"station_id":4121,"fuel_type":"euro95"}' for gas_stations with error: ''radius' is a required property
Failed validating 'required' in schema:
    {'properties': {'friendly_name_template': {'type': 'string'},
                    'fuel_type': {'enum': ['euro95',
                                  'type': 'string'},
                    'identifier': {'pattern': '^[a-z0-9]{0,10}$',
                                   'type': 'string'},
                    'latitude': {'type': 'number'},
                    'longitude': {'type': 'number'},
                    'radius': {'maximum': 15,
                               'minimum': 1,
                               'type': 'integer'},
                    'to_publish': {'minimum': 1, 'type': 'integer'}},
     'required': ['fuel_type', 'radius', 'longitude', 'latitude'],
     'type': 'object'}
On instance:
    {'fuel_type': 'euro95', 'station_id': 4121}'

I'm trying for days now to get it working, but i can't get it to work. I hope you can help me out.

Skons commented 2 years ago

your topic should be dgp/gas_station (without the s)

BebeMischa commented 2 years ago

OMG, this is really the joke off the day... How did we not see it with 4 eyes? :-)

Skons, you rule! ;-)