Skript is a Spigot plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
Ok, what really happens is that the variables between "%" do not work correctly, it only works when they are sent to the console.
In the last update, the "loop all players" does not work properly, and leaves residues of the last loop.
It only happens in the loop, if you send the message directly to the console, it does not happen.
Steps to Reproduce
The loop does not need to be in a function for the error to occur.
Example 1:
command /sc [<text>]:
executable by: players
if arg is set:
function MandarMsj(j:player,m:text):
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "insanitychat.staff":
send "&6&l%{_j}% &f&l> &e%{_m}%" to loop-player
play sound "entity.arrow.hit_player" with volume 0.2 with pitch 1.2 at loop-player
send "&6&l%{_j}% &f&l> &e%{_m}%" to console
Example 2:
command /sc [<text>]:
executable by: players
if arg is set:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "insanitychat.staff":
send "&6&l%player% &f&l> &e%arg%" to loop-player
play sound "entity.arrow.hit_player" with volume 0.2 with pitch 1.2 at loop-player
send "&6&l%{_j}% &f&l> &e%{_m}%" to console
Expected Behavior
It does not give errors in the console.
From what I've tested, it only happens with loop all players.
It only happens in the last update, if I go back to the previous one, it stops happening.
Ok, what really happens is that the variables between "%" do not work correctly, it only works when they are sent to the console.
In the last update, the "loop all players" does not work properly, and leaves residues of the last loop. It only happens in the loop, if you send the message directly to the console, it does not happen.
Steps to Reproduce
The loop does not need to be in a function for the error to occur.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Expected Behavior
Errors / Screenshots
GIF: In Game: Console:
Server Information
Additional Context