SkriptLang / Skript

Skript is a Spigot plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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database doesnt work #5242

Closed Nesanco closed 1 year ago

Nesanco commented 1 year ago

Skript/Server Version

[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's aliases can be found here:
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's documentation can be found here:
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's tutorials can be found here:
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Server Version: git-Pufferfish-46 (MC: 1.19.2)
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Skript Version: 2.6.4
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Installed Skript Addons: 
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - skript-gui v1.3 (
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - skRayFall v1.9.28 (
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - SkQuery v4.1.7
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - SkBee v2.5.4 (
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript] Installed dependencies: 
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - SQLibrary v7.1
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - Vault v1.7.3-b131
[01:28:12 INFO]: [Skript]  - WorldGuard v7.0.7+216b061

Bug Description

i installed sqlibrary, i put in the correct database info and its saying it can't access it.

databse config: ` database 1:

An example database to describe all possible options.

    type: MySQL
    # The type of this database. Allowed values are 'CSV', 'SQLite', 'MySQL' and 'disabled'.
    # CSV uses a text file to store the variables, while SQLite and MySQL use databases, and 'disabled' makes Skript ignore the database as if it wasn't defined at all.

    pattern: .*
    # Defines which variables to save in this database.
    # This pattern uses Regex syntax, e.g. use 'db_.*' (without the quotes) to store all variables prefixed with 'db_' in this database,
    # or use '.*' (the default value) to store all variables here (recommended for the last database in this list, as otherwise some variables might not be saved).
    # Please note that variables are only stored in one database, and databases are checked from top to bottom,
    # e.g. if a variable matches the topmost database's pattern it will be saved there and nowhere else.
    # BTW: Patterns are checked in a separate thread, i.e. your server likely won't run slower when using complicated patterns.

    monitor changes: false
    monitor interval: 20 seconds
    # If 'monitor changes' is set to true, variables will repeatedly be checked for updates in the database (in intervals set in 'monitor interval').
    # ! Please note that you should set 'pattern', 'monitor changes' and 'monitor interval' to the same values on all servers that access the same database!

    # == MySQL configuration ==
    host: 91.208.9....# Where the database server is located at, e.g. '', 'localhost', or ''
    port: 3306# 3306 is MySQL's default port, i.e. you likely won't need to change this value
    user: u5_Fn....
    password: +VrBv....
    database: s5_variables# The database to use, the table will be created in this database.
    table: variables21# The name of the table to create. 'variables21' is the default name, if this was to be omitted.
    # (If the table exists but is defined differently that how Skript expects it to be you'll get errors and no variables will be saved and/or loaded)
    # == SQLite/CSV configuration ==
    file: ./plugins/Skript/variables.db
    # Where to save the variables to. For a CSV file, the file extension '.csv' is recommended, but not required, but SQLite database files must end in '.db' (SQLibrary forces this).
    # The file path can either be absolute (e.g. 'C:\whatever\...' [Windows] or '/usr/whatever/...' [Unix]), or relative to the server directory (e.g. './plugins/Skript/...').

    #table: variables21
    # The name of the table to create. 'variables21' is the default name, if this was to be omitted.
    # (If the table exists but is defined differently that how Skript expects it to be you'll get errors and no variables will be saved and/or loaded)
    # This is generally not required as the the .db file will only be used by Skript, unless you want to split different variables into different tables

    backup interval: 2 hours
    # Creates a backup of the file every so often. This can be useful if you ever want to revert variables to an older state.
    # Variables are saved constantly no matter what is set here, thus a server crash will never make you loose any variables.
    # Set this to 0 to disable this feature.`

`01:22:03 ERROR: #!#! 01:22:03 ERROR: #!#! ===!!!=== Skript variable load error ===!!!=== 01:22:03 ERROR: #!#! Unable to load (all) variables: 01:22:03 ERROR: #!#! Cannot connect to the database 'database 1'! Please make sure that all settings are correct and that the database software is running.

01:22:03 ERROR: #!#! Skript will work properly, but old variables might not be available at all and new ones may or may not be saved until Skript is able to create a backup of the old file and/or is able to connect to the database (which requires a restart of Skript)! 01:22:03 ERROR: #!#! `

the database info is 100% correct ive checked like 5 times and it works perfectly fine with luckperms (just did this to test and made sure it worked)

Expected Behavior

it should connect to the database

Steps to Reproduce

make a database and put the info in the skript config

Errors or Screenshots

No response


No response


AyhamAl-Ali commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately database support in Skript is not working currently (probably?). There are many database issues currently open, see #1168 as well.

Duplicate of #3948