SkriptLang / Skript

Skript is a Spigot plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Skript for Client Side support for World Creators and devs #6199

Open ModxVoldHunter opened 7 months ago

ModxVoldHunter commented 7 months ago


world creators like to create big things but if you have a coding language like Skript that is already for Serverside then why not make one for client side so people who create maps and stuff can do alot more.


for creators, it would be better, because those who create parkour maps and are developers might want to just add cool stuff to maps, with particles when people walk or do an action when a player is doing something

for example. instead of a using alot of command blocks or use Data Packs, they can use Skript. and Skript could be great, it would be a great use of commands and stuff added without having to restart minecraft.

and since it would be client side then they can probably do alot with it as well.


if the name was probably Language Support for Skript, im sure alot of people would use it, since there is alot of developers who use it already in their own servers. it might just extend the help since they can test their code inside of their world.

and i think if it was for modders, they would use it as well to add really big projects and do alot. i would probably use it to learn as well.

also one more, add a Skript AutoComplete for IDE (VSCode and others)


sovdeeth commented 7 months ago

Rewriting Skript as a Fabric or Forge mod would be a significant effort. I believe there are some attempts to do this already that you could check out. Our long-term plans involve separating Skript from Bukkit so that doing this is much more feasible, but that's a long ways off.

As far as autocomplete, that's a tall order for a language like Skript, but I think there are extensions that already provide this in a limited capacity.

Eveeifyeve commented 4 months ago

LSP is a thing that they need to do in 6447 Is a thing for Language Support, AutoComplete and more.