SkriptLang / skript-reflect

Powerful reflection utilities for Skript.
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Custom Syntax bug #35

Closed Chsui closed 3 years ago

Chsui commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug There seems to be a problem when using %itemstack% in Custom Syntax. It worked normally in version 2.1.0, but a problem occurred after updating to version 2.2.0.

To reproduce [Normal case-A]

expression test expression %itemstack%:
        broadcast "%expr-1%"
        return "Done."
on inventory click:
    set {_inv} to player' current inventory
    set {_test} to test expression slot 0 of {_inv}

[Normal case-B]

expression %itemstack% test expression:
        broadcast "%expr-1%"
        return "Done."
on inventory click:
    set {_test} to slot 0 of player' current inventory test expression

[Bug case]

expression %itemstack% test expression:
        broadcast "%expr-1%"
        return "Done."
on inventory click:
    set {_inv} to player' current inventory
    set {_test} to slot 0 of {_inv} test expression

Expected behavior In both cases, the item in the 0 slot of the player's inventory is displayed normally. However, in the bug case, is displayed.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

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Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

TPGamesNL commented 3 years ago

It's probably due to Skript parsing the last expression as slot 0 of ({_inv} test expression). It does this, because it doesn't know much about your custom expression. You can set a return type for it (see, you should probably set it to string, that should prevent this issue from occuring.

Chsui commented 3 years ago

If so, why didn't that bug exist in version 2.1.0? This bug occurred after the 2.2.0 update.

TPGamesNL commented 3 years ago

Skript is known to be very inconsistent in its parsing, so you should consider which syntax is attempted first to be random.