SkriptLang / skript-reflect

Powerful reflection utilities for Skript.
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Can not parse Java Array correctly #44

Closed 0XPYEX0 closed 2 years ago

0XPYEX0 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Java Array can not parse as Skript Array correctly It will have the only one element

To reproduce set {_array::"all"} to [{_javaArray}] send "%size of {_array::"all"}%" to console //It will be always 1 // loop {_array::"all"}: send "%loop-value%" to console //It will be "[%all elements to string%]" //Do not care about the "all", because "*" will be recognized as an special mark

Expected behavior No

Screenshots No

Server information

Additional context No

TPGamesNL commented 2 years ago

You're using the wrong expression: [%objects%] is for turning a Skript list into a Java array, but ...%object% is for turning a Java array into a Skript list

0XPYEX0 commented 2 years ago

Okay, Thanks a lot.I'm such a fool haha