SkriptLang / skript-reflect

Powerful reflection utilities for Skript.
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Wrong method? #61

Closed UsainSrht closed 1 year ago

UsainSrht commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug #args() method returns single TranslatableComponent instead of List<Component>

To reproduce






on PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent:
    set {_message} to event.message()
    set {_args} to {_message}.args()
    send "args %{_args}%" to (ops and console)

Expected behavior #args() method to return List

Screenshots image

Server information

Additional context I've tried with [TranslatableComponent]args() too

TPGamesNL commented 1 year ago

Issue is caused by these methods: image Since the second is a varargs method, {_var}.args() is also a valid call for that method.

Fixed in by prioritizing non-varargs methods.

If anyone has this situation (two methods with same signature apart from varargs) and wants to use the varargs one instead, use either argument specification (e.g. {-msg}.args[ComponentLike[]]()) or specify a zero-length array in the method (e.g. {-msg}.args(new ComponentLike[0]))