SkriptLang / skript-reflect

Powerful reflection utilities for Skript.
MIT License
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Severe error when returning nothing from a custom property expression #70

Closed TheBentoBox closed 10 months ago

TheBentoBox commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Custom property expressions cause a severe error when they return nothing (i.e., when using a plain return, or return {_variable} where {_variable} is unset).

This may be the case for other custom syntax too, but I've only noticed it with property expressions thus far in my 1.19.4 testing.

To reproduce

  1. Create a custom property expression with returns nothing.
  2. Call it.

Expected behavior The property expression successfully returns an empty value (<none>).

Screenshots Example with a minimalist server setup. See VS Code sidebar, Skript + skript-reflect are my only plugins (as well as the patcher agent).

image image

Server information skript-reflect: 2.3.0 Skript: 2.7.0-beta2 Bukkit: 1.19.4 (running Purpur build 1968, for what that's worth) Minecraft: 1.19.4 Java: 17.0.6 OS: Windows 11

TPGamesNL commented 10 months ago

Fixed in