SkriptLang / skript-reflect

Powerful reflection utilities for Skript.
MIT License
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Update to 2.8 #81

Closed sovdeeth closed 4 months ago

sovdeeth commented 4 months ago

Sorry, thought I was making a branch on my own fork!

This replaces all uses of SyntaxElementInfo#c with SyntaxElementInfo#getElementClass(), since the field is renamed in 2.8 and will be private in 2.9.

Removes the event-priority addition for custom events in favor of 2.8's automatic handling.

Small change to effreturn to handle exiting while loops properly.

Closes #80

UnderscoreTud commented 4 months ago

Could you remove the custom event pattern processing to reflect the new event parsing strategy, it's a 1 line change, so I think it's fine if you include it with this pr

sovdeeth commented 4 months ago

Could you remove the custom event pattern processing to reflect the new event parsing strategy, it's a 1 line change, so I think it's fine if you include it with this pr

I can just make all the other 2.8 changes tbh, it's like 3 lines total.