SkriptLang / skript-reflect

Powerful reflection utilities for Skript.
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allow async custom event processing without synchronization #90

Closed Lotzyprod closed 3 months ago

Lotzyprod commented 3 months ago

This makes it possible to process a custom event without synchronization in Skript. async custom event "my_evt"

sovdeeth commented 3 months ago

Can you make this target the 2.7 branch please?

sovdeeth commented 3 months ago

I would also suggest changing this from [async] custom event to an entry that players can choose to include:

can run async: true

I think this makes it more clear how it works, exactly.

Lotzyprod commented 3 months ago

I would also suggest changing this from [async] custom event to an entry that players can choose to include:

can run async: true

I think this makes it more clear how it works, exactly.

I'm thinking about something similar now