SkunkworksAI / BakLLaVA

Apache License 2.0
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MistralConfig missing when serving controller #2

Closed fearnworks closed 8 months ago

fearnworks commented 8 months ago


When trying to run the controller using the README instructions I hit this issue when trying to run both on collab and runpod (pytorch template).

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/workspace/miniconda3/envs/llava/lib/python3.10/", line 187, in _run_module_as_main
    mod_name, mod_spec, code = _get_module_details(mod_name, _Error)
  File "/workspace/miniconda3/envs/llava/lib/python3.10/", line 110, in _get_module_details
  File "/workspace/BakLLaVA/llava/", line 1, in <module>
    from .model import LlavaLlamaForCausalLM
  File "/workspace/BakLLaVA/llava/model/", line 2, in <module>
    from .language_model.llava_mistral import LlavaMistralForCausalLM, LlavaConfig
  File "/workspace/BakLLaVA/llava/model/language_model/", line 22, in <module>
    from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModelForCausalLM, \
ImportError: cannot import name 'MistralConfig' from 'transformers' (/workspace/miniconda3/envs/llava/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/

You can in the image above that the uninstall of the prior transformers version was performed and the lib was redownloaded with the editable llava install specified in the instructions.

Both environments were fresh and used just for this repo.  I have been running the base LLaVA project today in both, so I know the platforms can potentially host them.

pharaouk commented 8 months ago
pip uninstall -y transformers
pip install git+

You may need to update transformers