Skvare / com.skvare.cmsuser

Create CMS user in Bulk using Groups AND Tag assigned to Contacts.
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Error on submitting webform: Expected one OptionValue but found 2 #7

Closed davejenx closed 12 months ago

davejenx commented 2 years ago

Was getting the following error when submitting a webform:

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException: Expected one OptionValue but found 2 in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->save() (line 811 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php).

Drupal\webform_civicrm\Utils->wf_civicrm_api('EntityTag', 'create', Array) (Line: 1003) Drupal\webform_civicrm\WebformCivicrmPostProcess->addOrRemoveMultivaluedData('tag', 'contact', '140215', Array, Array) (Line: 910) Drupal\webform_civicrm\WebformCivicrmPostProcess->saveGroupsAndTags(Array, '140215', 2) (Line: 265) Drupal\webform_civicrm\WebformCivicrmPostProcess->preSave(Object) (Line: 137) ...

Tracked it down to a Civi API call in the CMS Users extension where it gets the value of the activity_status option value for "Failed". There were 2 such options. Looks like the extra one was created based on CRM/Cmsuser/Activities.mgd.php: this has description = "Activity failed." whereas the existing one had description NULL.

I worked around it by removing the new option value & setting the description of the existing one to "Activity failed."

sunilpawar commented 2 years ago

Was there existing activity status name Failed present before cmsuser extension installation ? mgd.php check existing entry before creating new one...

davejenx commented 2 years ago

Hi @sunilpawar , yes it looks as though there was an existing activity status for Failed before the extension was installed. The earlier option had description = NULL whereas the .mgd.php file has description = "Activity failed." I wonder if that discrepancy is what caused the duplicate to be created?

| id   | option_group_id | label  | value | name   | grouping | filter | is_default | weight | description      | is_optgroup | is_reserved | is_active | component_id | domain_id | visibility_id | icon | color |
|  920 |              26 | Failed | 9     | Failed | NULL     |      1 |          0 |      9 | NULL             |           0 |           0 |         1 |         NULL |      NULL |          NULL | NULL | NULL  |
| 1019 |              26 | Failed | 10    | Failed | NULL     |      0 |          0 |     10 | Activity failed. |           0 |           0 |         1 |         NULL |      NULL |          NULL | NULL | NULL  |
sunilpawar commented 12 months ago

@davejenx  Have you tried deleting the old activity status if it is not used anywhere?