SkyD666 / AniVu

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Option to hide the duplicate title present in description #17

Closed P0bo closed 2 months ago

P0bo commented 2 months ago

The duplicate title takes up space in description and sometimes w cant see important details because of that . More information here

Anivu Screenshot_2024-04-20-01-56-53-141_com skyd anivu

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Since you added the Question tag, I'm going to elaborate a bit more.

Sometimes rss feeds provide duplicate title in description (and some popular sites including nyaa is one of those such sites) .So basically, when a name is too long, we can't see important details in the description, such as size or category.

Screenshot_2024-04-20-15-08-09-101_com skyd anivu-edit See this one? The name is so long that it takes up the entire space meant for the description, and we can't see the size and category tags.

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago