SkyD666 / AniVu

All-in-one Android app for RSS, BitTorrent dl & play. MVI arch, Material You style. ⭐️ Star to support! 一站式 RSS 订阅、BitTorrent 下载和媒体播放 Android 应用。采用 MVI 架构和 Material You 风格。⭐️点个 Star 以支持工作
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cache duration for articles/torrent list #26

Open Luffyirl opened 2 months ago

Luffyirl commented 2 months ago

It will be great if we can specify how many days/months a article should stay cached. Example -Screenshot_2024-04-28-04-45-28-468_me.ash.reader~2.jpg

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago



Luffyirl commented 2 months ago

Does it also apply for the articles ?

Luffyirl commented 2 months ago

If so , can u please add option like 1 week , 1 month,3 month ?

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Or add a custom range where we can type how many days

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Also a maximum number of cached article items and max download media will be great too . So if the article number exceeds a certain amount or is older than certain days the previous ones will be deleted Screenshot_2024-04-28-08-19-50-474_com.seazon.feedme.jpg


Luffyirl commented 2 months ago

Interesting 🤔 , I hadn't thought about this.