SkyD666 / AniVu

All-in-one Android app for RSS, BitTorrent dl & play. MVI arch, Material You style. ⭐️ Star to support! 一站式 RSS 订阅、BitTorrent 下载和媒体播放 Android 应用。采用 MVI 架构和 Material You 风格。⭐️点个 Star 以支持工作
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Grouping Media , and all media in the media tab . #28

Open Luffyirl opened 2 months ago

Luffyirl commented 2 months ago

Like #13 If the download videos are grouped in the media based on which feed we download them from ,it will be really handy. Also a all media option to access all of downloaded media is also needed.

I have 6-7 currently airing anime as my rss feed separately so if the download media is organised based on the feed I have downloaded the media from it will be really organised and easy to access.

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago

The current download function does not record feed information, and manually adding downloads cannot record it either.

Luffyirl commented 2 months ago

Like the article feed , u can have a default section where ones download with magnet links and uncategorised media will get saved

Bubblekey commented 2 months ago

Is there any update on this ? . I'd really like to have this feature. I have downloaded too many episodes from different feeds and ripping groups now is getting harder for me to navigate between them because they are not categorised.

I recommend having the same layout as the feed page just show downloaded videos instead of torrents/articles after tapping a rss feed.

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago

I think media groups and feed groups are separated from each other is better. Because of the possibility of grouping the same type of anime together

Bubblekey commented 2 months ago

Anything will be great, I'm happy as long as i can group the media and have group title , icon and description for that group.

P0bo commented 1 month ago

Here is the concept that I made . It needs to be examined by the dev before he can implement it


Ripl0gic commented 1 month ago

Hello dev , I'd also love my media to be well Grouped and want this kind or well organised layout,the app development is turning out really good , i also like that u are making progress towards switching the player to mpv . Are u planning to redesign the media tab or are u gonna be leaving as it is .?

Ripl0gic commented 1 month ago

Here is the concept that I made . It needs to be examined by the dev before he can implement it


I love the suggestion but I'd like to add a small detail for those who download multiple anime from same feed , give the ability to create media group also ability to move media from one group easily. So if someone downloaded two different anime from a single feed they can create another media group and move one to there .

SkyD666 commented 1 month ago

@Ripl0gic I will redesign the media page

Ripl0gic commented 1 month ago

Thank u very much dev , appreciate it.

cauxar commented 1 month ago

Ohh cool to see an engaging dev . Keep it up ♥️