SkyD666 / AniVu

All-in-one Android app for RSS, BitTorrent dl & play. MVI arch, Material You style. ⭐️ Star to support! 一站式 RSS 订阅、BitTorrent 下载和媒体播放 Android 应用。采用 MVI 架构和 Material You 风格。⭐️点个 Star 以支持工作
GNU General Public License v3.0
421 stars 10 forks source link

Hide Default group when its empty #31

Closed P0bo closed 2 months ago

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Hide the categories when the category has no rss feed in them , including the default catagory , i dont have single feed in that catagory

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago

I feel this feature may cause misunderstanding, because users may not know that a group is hidden.

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Then only for default feed group please consider adding this option in

Settings>Appearance & Style >Feed screen> 1714305750028.jpg

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago