SkyD666 / AniVu

All-in-one Android app for RSS, BitTorrent dl & play. MVI arch, Material You style. ⭐️ Star to support! 一站式 RSS 订阅、BitTorrent 下载和媒体播放 Android 应用。采用 MVI 架构和 Material You 风格。⭐️点个 Star 以支持工作
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Revamp feed screen #32

Closed P0bo closed 2 months ago

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Add padding , rounded corner etc .

Here is a concept based on current anivu 1714305184832.jpg

Bubblekey commented 2 months ago

I also think revamp would look better, the current one looks really badly padded and doesn't match the ui of the app greatly.

The concept is really good, imean the big icons and description styles but for padding I think open card and close carded like read you would be far more better looking yet simple .


P0bo commented 2 months ago

Now that I think about it the readyou style looks far better and the corner radius looks better too . Only if the big icons were there .

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Damn , tried to add those to the picture u shared , it does look great 1714398060403.jpg

Bubblekey commented 2 months ago

Bro the category is github, and the feeds are anime 😂😂

But this does look super clean and well designed

P0bo commented 2 months ago

Ok I fixed it 😂😂1714399946714.jpg

Ripl0gic commented 2 months ago

Ok I fixed it 😂😂1714399946714.jpg

This one looks much more clean , I really hope dev implements something like this , I don't really like the current feed screen it feels like an app from 2019.

SkyD666 commented 2 months ago