with payload: {"sub":"5776eb65-8350-46ba-9403-9cdb5d2b6b0d","nonce":1675412029043,"iat":1675412029}
always fails validation.
The failure reason is: signature mismatch: nxW_dLQREtXEQDm4yjLjtQTa7qDQBCT6rQVVmtZP5ogCKl-2OG7UhQIGH4GGYKTOchbFYZJwlA4IT1jXB6Emhg (see, it matches with the original signature!)
But the token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NzU0MTIwMjksInN1YiI6IjU3NzZlYjY1LTgzNTAtNDZiYS05NDAzLTljZGI1ZDJiNmIwZCIsIm5vbmNlIjoxNjc1NDEyMDI5MDQzfQ.Ds_iyozfEtEreiqwPL9wmdX7Lrwj0QtLjQPmJMo0t-cCQZxcOAaaXPxBJjEjNBY2YJUY8_fTSXYToVp6SGKhrw
with payload: {"iat":1675412029,"sub":"5776eb65-8350-46ba-9403-9cdb5d2b6b0d","nonce":1675412029043}
passed the validation.
The difference is only in the order of payload keys. You can use any secret for signature.
Probably, the problem is in these lines of code in jwt.lua:
local jwt_str = string_format(str_const.regex_jwt_join_str, jwt_obj.raw_header , jwt_obj.raw_payload , jwt_obj.signature)
-- ...
if alg == str_const.HS256 or alg == str_const.HS512 then
local success, ret = pcall(_M.sign, self, secret, jwt_obj)
--- ...
elseif jwt_str ~= ret then
-- signature check
jwt_obj[str_const.reason] = "signature mismatch: " .. jwt_obj[str_const.signature]
Not only the signature, but the whole token strings are compared. But it looks like somewhere the payload keys are reordered producing another base64 content for it.
For example:
The token:
with payload:{"sub":"5776eb65-8350-46ba-9403-9cdb5d2b6b0d","nonce":1675412029043,"iat":1675412029}
always fails validation. The failure reason is:signature mismatch: nxW_dLQREtXEQDm4yjLjtQTa7qDQBCT6rQVVmtZP5ogCKl-2OG7UhQIGH4GGYKTOchbFYZJwlA4IT1jXB6Emhg
(see, it matches with the original signature!)But the token:
with payload:{"iat":1675412029,"sub":"5776eb65-8350-46ba-9403-9cdb5d2b6b0d","nonce":1675412029043}
passed the validation.The difference is only in the order of payload keys. You can use any secret for signature.
Probably, the problem is in these lines of code in
:Not only the signature, but the whole token strings are compared. But it looks like somewhere the payload keys are reordered producing another base64 content for it.