Skyl3lazer / giffyglyph-monster-maker-continued

A D&D 5e monster maker module for the Foundry VTT. Build new monsters with level-appropriate, balanced stats in seconds. This is a fork which has been updated to GGMM PDF v3, Foundry v10+11, and dnd5e 2.1+3.1.
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Add a [maxMod] shortcode #27

Closed Skyl3lazer closed 3 months ago

Skyl3lazer commented 3 months ago

This shortcode should be the ability modifier of whatever attribute has the highest modifier.

Use case: On templates, you want to add descriptions for things like saving throws that need to use the max mod. Since DC is tied to an ability modifier, there needs to be a generic shortcode for the greatest ability modifier.

Skyl3lazer commented 3 months ago

Added in dev 479aff3