Skyleen77 / next-nprogress-bar

NProgress integration on Next.js compatible with /app and /pages folders
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Run the loader on change of searchParams #54

Open ashishworkspace opened 3 months ago

ashishworkspace commented 3 months ago

Hey, I just wanted to know if I can run the top-loading bar on every change in the search parameters.

kapsule-studio commented 3 months ago

Have you tried the shallowRouting options ?

stefan-girlich commented 2 months ago

@kapsule-studio Unfortunately shallowRouting will not show the loading bar when only search params change. Environment:

"next": "^14.2.3",
"nextjs-toploader": "^1.6.12",

Would you have any further ideas? Happy to provide debug information.

My current workaround

Invalidate route

    const applySearchParamsWorkaround = (url: URL): URL => {
        const { location } = window
        const isSamePage = url.pathname === location.pathname
        const paramsChanged = !==
        if (isSamePage && paramsChanged) {
            url.pathname = `force_reload_${Math.random()}`

        return url
  return (

Use custom useRouter

import { useRouter } from 'next-nprogress-bar'
Glup3 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the workaround! @stefan-girlich