Skyost / Bonsoir

A Zeroconf library that allows you to discover network services and to broadcast your own. Based on Apple Bonjour and Android NSD.
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Totally bugged after version 2.2.0+1 #57

Closed ed-oo closed 8 months ago

ed-oo commented 9 months ago

After version 2.2.0+1, we have to use event.service !.resolve(discovery.serviceResolver); manually, but 99% of the time this call triggers BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryStopped directly afterwards. The service is never resolved (except in 1% of cases by magic).

Bonsoir has found a service : <NSNetService 0x28267fbc0> local. _my-server._udp. My Serveur -1
Event received: event.type == BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryServiceFound
I call: event.service?.resolve(this._discovery!.serviceResolver);

Event received:  event.type == BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryStopped

Another problem is that when BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryServiceFound occurs, the service type is correct but the port is always equal to -1, except in 1% of cases by magic (the problem is also present in version 2.2.0+1, but the service is resolved in this version and handles BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryServiceResolved correctly afterwards, event if port == -1).

The problem is present on both IOS and Android.

I'm going back to version 2.2.0+1 while waiting for a solution to my problem.

Thank you

Skyost commented 9 months ago


Would it be possible to see your code please ? Also, please note that the example app has been updated to 3.0.0, feel free to check it out to adapt your code to this new version.

fptavares commented 9 months ago

@Skyost, I also see this happening. The first time I start discovery, the services are found, and they are also resolved after I request for them to be resolved. Then I stop discovery.

After that first discovery, resolve never works anymore. Immediately after BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryServiceFound, a BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryStopped comes right after. Resolution of the services never happens anymore, no success and no failure.

Here's the code:

Future<void> scan(String mdnsName) async {
    final discovery = BonsoirDiscovery(type: mdnsName);
    await discovery.ready;

    discovery.eventStream?.listen((event) {
      print('Bonsoir event received: ${event.type}');
      if (event.type == BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryServiceFound) {
        print('Service found: ${event.service?.toJson()}');
      } else if (event.type == BonsoirDiscoveryEventType.discoveryServiceResolved) {
        print('Service resolved: ${event.service?.toJson()}');

    await discovery.start();
    // wait 5 seconds
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5));

    await discovery.stop();

This same code runs fine and services are resolved the first time it runs. Any time I call this function again, discovery is stopped automatically after the services are found, and resolve never works again.

Using Bonsoir 3.0.0+1

Skyost commented 9 months ago

Thanks. Does it occur only on iOS, or do you experience a similar problem on Android ?

fptavares commented 9 months ago

I don't have an Android device to test on, but I see the same behavior on both iOS and macOS. After downgrading to version 2.2.0+1 and commenting out the line with the resolve request, it works fine every time the function is called.

ed-oo commented 9 months ago

I found another problem in 2.2.0+1 on android in resolver_service.dart My code:

BonsoirService service = BonsoirService(
          name: "Serveur John",
          type: "_john-server._tcp",
          port: 8299,
this._bonsoirBroadcast = BonsoirBroadcast(service: service);
await this._bonsoirBroadcast!.ready;
await this._bonsoirBroadcast!.start();

On Debug:

static String _filterType(String type) {
    if (type.startsWith('._')) {
      type = type.substring(1);
    if (type.endsWith('_tcp.') || type.endsWith('_udp.')) {
      type = type.substring(0, type.length - 1);
    return type;

_filterType have String not nullable parameter and service.type == null (even if i specified a type, i don't understand)

Skyost commented 9 months ago

@fptavares I'll finally have the time to test your code tomorrow. Will tell you if I'm able to reproduce. @ed-oo I don't understand your last message, and as I don't have access to your prior code, I may not be able to reproduce your issue.

julianscheel commented 8 months ago

I can confirm this issue exists on macOS as well. Can also easily reproduced by just doing a hot restart. After the first hot restart the discovery stops immediately after services are found.

rope50 commented 8 months ago

Same problem here using iOS.

Skyost commented 8 months ago

Okay so it seems to be a problem with the Darwin implementation. Anyway, we have to rewrite it in order to get rid of NetService.

Skyost commented 8 months ago

@ed-oo, @julianscheel, @rope50, @fptavares :

I've rewritten the Darwin project to remove the dependence on NetService. I've already tested it on macOS (not 100%, attributes are still untested, but the major features seem to work).

Can you please it on your side ? To do so, in your pubspec.yaml :

      ref: darwin-network
      path: bonsoir
      ref: darwin-network
      path: bonsoir_android
      ref: darwin-network
      path: bonsoir_darwin
      ref: darwin-network
      path: bonsoir_platform_interface

then flutter pub get. May also need pod update.

Skyost commented 8 months ago

Had the time to test it. It works, I'm merging the PR.