Skyost / FlutterWeekView

Displays a highly customizable week view (or day view) which is able to display events, to be scrolled, to be zoomed-in & out and a lot more !
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initialTime is not working correctly #66

Open GaoMax opened 3 years ago

GaoMax commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug I use a function to determine the initialTime for the DayView, but in some cases the DayView just ignores the initialTime. For example: the function returns HourMinute {"hour":6,"minute":45}, but the DayView initializes with 7:45. The same function worked flawlessly with the previous initalHour build.

Testen on Android & iOS, using devices and simulators.

Skyost commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to get a code snippet ?

GaoMax commented 3 years ago

Sure! Thanks for the help, really like your project.

return DayView(
          controller: dayViewController,
          date: DateTime(
          events: getEvents(i),
          initialTime: getInitialTime(i),
          userZoomable: false,
          dayBarStyle: DayBarStyle(
            color: _darkMode ? Colors.grey[850] : Colors.grey[50],
            textAlignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
            textStyle: Style.smallTextStyle,
            dateFormatter: formatDate,
          style: DayViewStyle(
            backgroundColor: _darkMode ? Colors.grey[850] : Colors.grey[50],
                _darkMode ? Colors.grey[50] : Colors.grey[400],
            hourRowHeight: 100,
            currentTimeCircleColor: Style.primaryColor,
            currentTimeRuleColor: Style.primaryColor,
            headerSize: 0,
          hoursColumnStyle: HoursColumnStyle(
            color: _darkMode ? Colors.grey[850] : Colors.grey[50],
            textStyle: TextStyle(
              color: _darkMode
                  ? Style.darkModeTextColor
                  : Style.brightModeTextColor,
  HourMinute getInitialTime(i) {
    DateTime date = DateTime( i)).year, i)).month, i)).day);
    DateTime chosen = date.add(Duration(hours: 23, minutes: 59));
    bool b = false;
    for (Termin t in widget.userData.termine.getAll()) {
      //if (t.status != Termin.RED) {
      if (t.startTime.year == date.year &&
          t.startTime.month == date.month &&
 == {
        if (t.startTime.isBefore(chosen)) {
          chosen = t.startTime;
          b = true;
    if (!b) {
      chosen = date.add(Duration(minutes: 45));
    } else {
      chosen = chosen.subtract(Duration(minutes: 15));

    print(HourMinute.fromDateTime(dateTime: chosen));
    return HourMinute.fromDateTime(dateTime: chosen);
Skyost commented 3 years ago

Thanks ! Would it be possible to also know how you're setting the initialTime value (Provider, setState, ...) ?

GaoMax commented 3 years ago

I'm using it inside a PageView, but I believe I've found the bug. It's due to daylight saving time (tonight). But I can't seem to figure out how to prevent it, I'm using UTC for all my calculations and they are right. I believe that the dayView somehow accounts for daylight saving time, resulting in {"hour":6,"minute":45}, being shown as 7:45.

Skyost commented 3 years ago

I believe that the dayView somehow accounts for daylight saving time, resulting in {"hour":6,"minute":45}, being shown as 7:45.

You're right. I have to figure out what I can do to fix this bug.