Skyost / RateMyApp

This plugin allows to kindly ask users to rate your app if custom conditions are met (eg. install time, number of launches, etc...).
MIT License
265 stars 106 forks source link

Upgrade Kotlin version to 1.6.10 #113

Closed lohanbodevan closed 2 years ago

lohanbodevan commented 2 years ago

This PR fixes

The issue is preventing apps targeting Android SDK 31 and are using RateMyApp as dependency to build. Additionally it also migrates example app to target Android SDK 31 and upgrade its Kotlin version as well.

Tested with iOS and Android emulator using following configs:

Flutter 2.10.1 • channel stable •
Framework • revision db747aa133 (7 days ago) • 2022-02-09 13:57:35 -0600
Engine • revision ab46186b24
Tools • Dart 2.16.1 • DevTools 2.9.2

Thanks for this plugin and I'm happy to adjust the PR if needed.

Skyost commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot !