Skyost / RateMyApp

This plugin allows to kindly ask users to rate your app if custom conditions are met (eg. install time, number of launches, etc...).
MIT License
265 stars 104 forks source link

The Text Color for The buttons Rate and others is white and there is no option to change it. #127

Open Pbonmars-20031006 opened 1 year ago

Pbonmars-20031006 commented 1 year ago

The Text Color for The buttons Rate and others is white and there is no option to change it. I can't seem to change the colour. Please help

My Implementation rateMyApp.init().then((_) { rateMyApp.conditions.forEach((condition) { if (condition is DebuggableCondition) { print(condition.valuesAsString); } }); if (rateMyApp.shouldOpenDialog) { rateMyApp.showRateDialog( context, title: 'Your Feedback', message: 'If you like this app, please take a little bit of your time to review it!', rateButton: 'Rate', // noButton: 'NO THANKS', laterButton: 'Maybe Later', dialogStyle: const DialogStyle( //dialogShape: ShapeBorder, titleAlign:, titleStyle: TextStyle( color:, ), ), ignoreNativeDialog: true, onDismissed: () => rateMyApp.callEvent(RateMyAppEventType.laterButtonPressed), ); } });

Screenshots Screenshot_1670324470

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Skyost commented 1 year ago

If you open another dialog (without RateMyApp), are your buttons still white ?

Pbonmars-20031006 commented 1 year ago

No they seem to be working fine

Skyost commented 1 year ago

Okay, this should not happen. Anyway, you can change your buttons color using a custom actionsBuilder.