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[MIRROR] Night Vision Goggles update #28695

Closed SkyratBot closed 1 week ago

SkyratBot commented 1 week ago

Original PR:

About The Pull Request

This is a reboot of #84550 but with way less unbearable: mesons are off the table and I've made the night vision tonalities lighter now, while also improving the darkness cutoffs of some of them. Btw, you can also turn night vision googles on/off now. Each pair of departmental night vision goggles now comes with their own tint to boot.

As always, this doesn't affect nukies and ninjas. They're almost garaunteed to keep their googles equipped and on at all time, so it would honestly adulterate the overall experience a little.

Now, for some pictures...

In the dark, top row is old, bottom row is new. from left to right: security, science, standard/meson, diagnostic, health: dank

In the light: security, science, no goggles, standard/meson, diagnostic, health: lite

The screenshots were taken from varedited goggles on the servers because it's bit faster than booting up a local server, plus I had to finetune a few things.

Why It's Good For The Game

So, I kinda wanted to give a bit of screen colors to goggles that was not some sort of "optional, by default turned off" kind of crap nobody cares about, however my previous PR was met with a lot of criticism, which made me rethink how to do it. I honestly don't want it to be a burden, but I do want to make them a bit fancier tho.

Also the the medical NVs (and perhaps sec NVs) were a bit crappier than the rest.


:cl: add: Night vision goggles now subtly tint your screen. add: You can turn your night vision goggles off. Doing so removes the tint and the eye protection malus. /:cl: