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Stuck after selecting boot device #66

Closed mian196 closed 1 year ago

mian196 commented 1 year ago

I copied all the efi folder to the usb and then i boot and i select the usb and then there's nothing there's a black screen for almost 5min then my laptop shutdown automatically

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

I need more information about:

mian196 commented 1 year ago

Here is the info

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago
  • I'm currently on UEFI (I'm sorry I didn't get what is the EFI version )

Do you use the latest release?

  • I'm trying to boot mac os 11

Did you download the latest Monterey EFI release? (It is compatible with Big Sur, except for WiFi)

  • what do you mean by the OC picker ?

The GUI to pick the installer.

Make sure, you placed the EFI correctly onto your flash drive. It should have this structure:

Also make sure, you formatted the drive as FAT32 GPT if you are using an online installer.

mian196 commented 1 year ago

yes, I use the latest EFI version. and I see that GUI but I got stuck after that and I don't have any vault.plist , vault.sig , nvram.plist, and opencore.txt .and USB is formated in gpt fat32

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Is it a online or offline installer? Where did you get the installer from?

Add the verbose mode arg in the config.plist

mian196 commented 1 year ago

it is the online installer i get it from open core and please can you explain what is the verbose mode arg im completely dumb in this

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

you need to add -v to this line (the last two arguments are not present in the Monterey EFI)

basically what it does, it enables Text mode after selecting the installer, so it is easier to debug the issue you have.

mian196 commented 1 year ago

done adding -v but still there is no display :( here is the video sorry for bad quality

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Usually there should be an icon of macOS, I assume the installer is broken and you need to redownload the installer again.

Follow the guide here:

mian196 commented 1 year ago

I follow this guide and I tried mac os 11,12 and Catalina still has the same error I guess it won't work on my laptop .thanks for the help

quxngeh commented 1 year ago

i have the same issue as the person above, i checked my directory trees, efi settings and other stuff and they all check out, anything i can do to debug this? (-v debug=0x100 keepsyms=1 don't seem to help)

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Will check later when I'm at home. Do older releases work fine?

quxngeh commented 1 year ago

i tried 3.1, it gives me "OCB: LoadImage failed - unsupported" instead (of which i tried to fix by changing MinDate and MinVersion to -1 but it still threw the same error)

mian196 commented 1 year ago

we really need a fix about this issue ;'(

mian196 commented 1 year ago

-v debug=0x100 keepsyms=1

i just used -v in verbose mode still nothing

mian196 commented 1 year ago

i tried 3.1, it gives me "OCB: LoadImage failed - unsupported" instead (of which i tried to fix by changing MinDate and MinVersion to -1 but it still threw the same error)

I tried 3.1 ,3.0 but in that versions there's no mac os boot options

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Ok, so I downloaded a copy of Online Monterey installer and Online Big Sur installer, and I was able to boot to the installer just fine.

Keep in mind, you have to press the space bar to show more boot options and enter the installer, which has a gear icon on it. I don't know why there is an external drive icon in the first place, but yeah, entering the installer by booting via the gear icon works fine.

mian196 commented 1 year ago

bro its booting up , but the problem is my resolution isn't good like i can't see anything when its boot int os online installer

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

mian196 commented 1 year ago

The is in the online installer not in installed os i cant even use that tools to set my resolution that you mention in readme

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

The first method is done in the BIOS, as mentioned.

mian196 commented 1 year ago

i did all the setting that you mentioned in bios section

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

(Recommended) Enable 'Enable Legacy Option ROMs' in the BIOS by clicking General>Advanced Boot Options. Here is a picture of that option.

Just do this.

mian196 commented 1 year ago

let me try it also

mian196 commented 1 year ago

thanks, bro for helping me out. so the summary of errors I got and how to fix it

mian196 commented 1 year ago

issue solved :)

mian196 commented 1 year ago

sorry for taking your time again . but after installing the mac os i stuck into boot loops is there any way to fix it. thanks in advance

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Sorry, but can you provide any logs? Also, were you able to boot to macOS before? What do you mean by boot loop? Add -v in boot-args.

mian196 commented 1 year ago

what I mean to say is I boot into mac os installer then I select partition then after extracting files Mac os restarts and so after that there is no use of boot arg but let me try

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Check if you did format the drive correctly, it should be APFS and GUID partition table.