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Latitude E5550, installer not booting #70

Closed KzoroxR closed 1 year ago

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago


I'm having some trouble booting the macOS Ventura installer on my E5550. Here's the problem I'm having and the things I've been able to try:

My first attempt was with version 3.2 Ventura and an online installer downloaded with I took care to place my EFI folder as well as my folder containing the recovery at the root of my USB. I also took care to set my BIOS to the recommended parameters.

I then booted my USB and found myself on the screen with the choice of Windows or my USB and I press the space bar to bring up the gear and press enter to boot.

Just after that.. nothing a black screen for very long minutes, and my keyboard lighting up by itself from time to time.

I also tried adding -v to my config.plist to get more infos and... Nothing at all, a black screen.

I've tested other USB keys : same problem.

I tested with Ventura version 3.0, same thing. I also tested version 3.0 Monterey and a Monterey recovery : no result.

I've been trying for a while (it's been like two weeks I'm on it 🥲) and now I think I need to ask for help, as I've been browsing the various topics here for far too long looking for my miracle solution!

Thank you in advance for your help !

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Can you try disabling ProvideConsoleGop?

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Well, it boots in console-like mode but still nothing..

Here is a video of what I've got :

NO NAME is my USB, and RECOVMAC is a partition on my disk (I tried a lot of things yeah..) and both are doing the same thing

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

I noticed there are config errors in the beginning, the config does not match or is broken. Re-download the latest release of the EFI and try booting the installer without doing any changes.

The EFI is definitely working as I used it to boot Sonoma and it works.

Another thing I suggest doing is to reset the NVRAM, reset the BIOS settings to default and after that setting the recommended BIOS settings according to the README:

Also for online recovery, make sure to format the USB correctly: GUID Partition Table, FAT32

I will try to boot to Ventura as well.

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Works here:

IMG_4989 IMG_4990

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago

Woah thanks, I tried these a tons of time, redownloaded everything and so on.. but it seems that resetting NVRAM plus resetting BIOS default setting right after changed something this time !


Now my question is, is there a way to enable Intel Wifi to download Ventura or should I use ethernet instead ?

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

For stability and speed, use Ethernet, otherwise you can use Wi-Fi as well.

Set this to true for Wi-Fi:

For Bluetooth, enable these kexts:

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago

Hmm tried with Ethernet but got this..


This computer seems not wanting macOS at all 😅

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Hmm, can you try changing the SMBIOS (+ Serial, etc.) to MacBookPro14,1? Maybe it is due to the unsupported SMBIOS we use.

Did you also create a macOS partition on the internal drive?

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago

Never changed the SMBIOS before, is it something to change in the config.plist ?

Yeah I created a partition for macOS named OS and configured properly (at least I think it is)

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Yes, you need to change these lines:

Here is a little video you can watch on how to change the SMBIOS:

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago



Now I hope everything will be ok with the installation, it says 2 hours and 13 minutes remaining so.. I will let it download during the night (it's 3am here) and we'll see tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Thank you so much for your help, and your excellent advice

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago

Seems to work perfectly!


Unless big performance issues but I assume it is something normal?

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

There is a performance issue due to missing GPU acceleration.

Follow the readme to install it back:

KzoroxR commented 1 year ago

Yeah I definitively should read this README entirely.. It works perfectly, this is awesome. Thank you again!! 🙏🏻

SkyrilHD commented 1 year ago

Glad to hear that! Will close the issue as it works.

MazenAyman466 commented 8 months ago

@KzoroxR could you send me the efi file and try it out since i have the exact same issue but doing the fixes that were written here nothing worked out