Skyscanner / SkyFloatingLabelTextField

A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.
Apache License 2.0
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"Value of type UITextField has no member titleLabel" #215

Closed antonmartinsson closed 6 years ago

antonmartinsson commented 6 years ago


I was looking for a way to keep placeholder text centered when it's floating above the field (during user input). I came across this discussion ( and thought that would solve my problem. Unfortunately, this was not the case. When I try to access "titleLabel" and adjust its textAlignment property, XCode tells me that "Value of type UITextField has no member titleLabel".

skarmavbild 2018-06-16 kl 23 59 12

The code block is currently located in ViewDidLoad, but I've also tried putting it in viewDidAppear, with no luck. It seems I can't access any of the unique properties tied to the SkyFloatingLabelTextField, as I can't even seem to programmatically create one (works via Interface Builder though). Does anybody have an idea of what am I doing wrong?

k0nserv commented 6 years ago

@antonmedstorta Did you figure this out since you closed the issue?

antonmartinsson commented 6 years ago

I did. Maybe I should've commented and said so, sorry. The solution was quite simple in the end, really. As I had previously created the textfield it was linked to the ViewController as a UITextField Outlet, and not as a SkyFloatingLabelTextField. After I re-linked it from the Interface Builder and got all my files in order it found the definition and I was able to change the titleLabel property.

Thanks for checking in!