Skyscanner / SkyFloatingLabelTextField

A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with title and selectedTitle properties in Storyboard #314

Open rlaurb opened 4 years ago

rlaurb commented 4 years ago


What did you do?

Added a SkyFloatingTextField to a storyboard. Specified a non-nil value for either/both the 'title' attribute or the 'selectedTitle' attribute.

What did you expect to happen?

The storyboard would compile without error or warning.

What happened instead?

file:///Users/rlaurb/Projects/MorningSugar/MorningSugar/Base.lproj/Main. storyboard: warning: IB Designables: Ignoring user defined runtime attribute for key path "title" on instance of "UITextField". Hit an exception when attempting to set its value: [<UITextField 0x7f910e81b000> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key title.


MacOS 10.15.4, Xcode 11.4 doing iOS development with storyboards.

Xcode Version: 11.4 SkyFloatingLabelTextField Version: 3.8.0 Deployment Target: iOS 13.0+ Base SDK: iOA 13.4 Method of Integration: SwiftPM

Project that demonstrates the issue

From my research, I think the problem is that these fields have type String? but are not overrides of existing Obj-C properties. I.e., IB seems to have problems with Swift Optionals that are not backed with Objc objects.