SkytAsul / JukeBox

A Minecraft Spigot plugin which allows you to propose note block songs/musics to your players.
MIT License
22 stars 14 forks source link

Feature Request; Radio Playlist Overhaul #4

Open MrKorvic opened 4 years ago

MrKorvic commented 4 years ago

Howdy! I'd love to see a feature to allow staff with a specific permission node (e.g. to have control over the radio (next song, pause/play, choose a specific song, etc). Furthermore having the ability to set a playlist for the radio that doesn't have to include all existing songs would be great so some songs can be reserved for specific situations or for players to listen to on their own instead of on the global radio.

Essentially having more preset playlist options would be the crux of this update, which could be expanded upon to allow multiple stored playlists that a player can choose from, or a radio-controlling staff could choose from. If this were brought about this plugin could become infinitely more useful for many servers that rely on the atmosphere to capture an audience (RPG, MMO, RP, etc).

So, to summarize in point-form;

I hope this all makes sense, and if not please don't hesitate to ask for clarification! Once I'm done some other projects I might fork and PR to help out if it ends up being problematic.