SkyworkAI / Gamba

Gamba: Marry Gaussian Splatting with Mamba for single view 3D reconstruction
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An error raised by tyro #1

Open DJNing opened 2 months ago

DJNing commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot for the great work! Yet I encourtered some problems while runing the demo

Need help for the error for the configuration loading

I am trying to run the test based on the code. Yet, I found one error in:

It says the input arg for defaults (config_defaults) should have len(defaults) > 2.

While I am not familiar to tyro, could you guys tell a bit on how to solve this?

Extra dependency for the repo:

pip install timm jaxtyping omegaconf typeguard colorama

Minor change for the mamba_ssm:

For the latest version of mamba_ssm (2.2.2) the following line:

should be changed to from mamba_ssm.ops.triton.layer_norm import RMSNorm, layer_norm_fn, rms_norm_fn

DJNing commented 2 months ago

A quick fix for the code with latest tyro.

Change the following line:

to AllConfigs = Options

florinshen commented 3 weeks ago

thanks for your detailed solution, we will update it into our env requirements

hgdzhx commented 2 weeks ago

After the correction in DJNing, some bugs were fixed, but later some CUDA functions were found to be unusable (such as xFormers). After installing xFormers with pip, the system uninstalled dcuda11.8+torch 2.1.0 and updated it to nvidia-nccl-cu12+torch 2.4.0. There are quite a few questions and I don't know how to operate it. Could you please give me some guidance

florinshen commented 1 week ago

sure, hgdzhx. xformers actually is not neccessary during inference in current code, so you can ignore the installation of xformers.

If you want to install xformer for speedup, a compromise is to build the xformers from source.

hgdzhx commented 1 week ago

I sincerely appreciate your reply. In the follow-up repairing and reviewing of the code, I found that the open source code can only support fixed camera parameters of the ''S3'' format image input. So can you open the complete code? I find your work very innovative and will keep an eye on you. Hope you have a nice day.