SlEePlEs5 / logKext

An update to fsb's logKext tool. Runs on 10.9 Mavericks!
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kext not logging on os x 10.12 Sierra #19

Open tok23 opened 7 years ago

tok23 commented 7 years ago

LogKext run without trouble, logKextClient works, log file was created, but it writes in file only a start of daemon or user login records without any key logging. (SIP disable, root account enable, install logKext as root).

chuckboris commented 7 years ago


bpiton commented 7 years ago


If someone could explain me how to fix the same issue than tok23 has, that would be great for me. I confirm the exact same issue with logkext 2.4 on Sierra 10.12 : log file created, but either the log file or the print command return empty logs.

What is it happening ?!

Please help !! :(

Many thanks


louisabraham commented 7 years ago

I confirm it too!

amohield commented 7 years ago

+1 can also confirm. @SlEePlEs5 have any idea?

g0r2k commented 7 years ago

+1, successful installed on Sierra 10.12.2 with SIP disabled, but only record account logins , not keystrokes...@SlEePlEs5 ?

yeezyeezywhatsgood101 commented 7 years ago


Have attempted all forms of installing [SIP Off, ROOT, Restart/Reinstall] but nothing has changed. I am able to get the users logged in and the daemon does work, however, the log file will not log any keystrokes.

Is there a solution available or am I out of luck?

Biracrosariol commented 7 years ago

same problem. I have instaled as a root user, the SIP is off but still not working

esotericsean commented 6 years ago
