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[Bug] Some links in infobox Callout are unclickable #192

Closed ya-hs closed 1 year ago

ya-hs commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When using the infobox callout in reading mode, within the table, some of the links exist but are unclickable. When moused over, they just don't highlight and clicking does nothing.

Expected behavior Text to highlight and click through to notes.


(Excuse the nerdy D&D stuff) image


Windows 11



Just found that this is only the case when the table lines up with other content as shown below:

image After removing the ordered list I have there, everything works as expected.

SlRvb commented 1 year ago

Could you paste your markdown note here? I don't think I've ever encountered this and I can't seem to recreate it 🤔

ya-hs commented 1 year ago

Here is a page where I have recreated the issue with an example ordered list with links. For myself, I am unable to click multiple links within the infobox - The Witan, Tyrian Guard, Ardanian Legion, Prime Material Plane, Ardania. It seems to be an issue when the infobox aligns with linked items to the left of it. I've tried without a list and even if there are paragraphs that contain links it can be an issue.

tag: Society, Wiki
publish: false
> [!infobox|txt-c n-th wsmall]
> # Ardanian Dominion
> ![[Ardanian Dominion COA Revamped.png|cover]]
> ###### General Information
> |  |  |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Full name | Ardanian Dominion |
> | Type | Empire |
> | Head of state | King |
> | Head of government | King [[Weylyn Ardanum]] |
> | Legislative branch | [[The Witan]] |
> | Military | <ul><li>[[Tyrian Guard]] (Gendarmerie)</li><br><li>[[Ardanian Legion]] (Regular Army/Border Security)</li></ul> |
> ###### Societal Information
> |  |  |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Plane | [[Prime Material Plane]] (Tethir) |
> | Continent | [[Ardania]] |
> | Capital | [[Atleva]] |
> | Religion | <ul><li>[[Avandra, The Changebringer]]<br><li>[[Ioun, The Knowing Mistress]]<br><li>[[Melora, The Wild Mother]]<br><li>[[Pelor, The Dawn Father]]<br><li>[[Raven Queen, The Matron of Death]]<br><li>[[Tyr, Lord of Justice]]</ul> |
>  ###### Historical Information
> |  |  |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Established | 388 PS |
# Ardanian Dominion

The **Ardanian Dominion** (Pronounced ar-DAY-nee-an duh-MIN-yin) is a nation on the continent of [[Ardania]], dominating the central land mass of the continent and fully controlling the regions of [[Platinum Vale]], [[Aldora]] and [[Covenmarsh]]. Founded in 388 PS, the Dominion expanded quickly from its founding city, [[Waldencross]] before taking over much of the continent and founding the purpose-built capital of [[Atleva]].

>> The eagle flies over a massive city, expanding out in every direction from the luxurious palace that sits in its centre. Beyond the walls of this metropolis, roads carrying soldiers and monolithic war machines sprawl in every direction of this continent. The eagle looks toward the mountains, curious, and spies the glimmer of mines in the distance.

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    2. [[Example of issue]]
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    4. [[Example of issue]]
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    7. [[Example of issue]]
    8. [[Example of issue]]
    9. [[Example of issue]]
    10. [[Example of issue]]
    11. [[Example of issue]]
2. [[Example of issue]]
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    7. [[Example of issue]]
4. [[Example of issue]]
    1. [[Example of issue]]
    2. [[Example of issue]]
    3. [[Example of issue]]
    4. [[Example of issue]]
## Geography
### Blunderbucket
*→ Main Article: [[Blunderbucket (Region)]]*
- [[Blunderbucket (City)]]: A large city mostly inhabited by [[Gnomes]] and [[Dwarves]] that is heavily innovative and industrial.
- [[Fort Rosen]]: A large military fort for the [[Ardanian Legion]] - facilitated by seige weaponry and military inventions created at [[Blunderbucket (City)]].
- [[Old Fort Rindassil]]: The ruins of an old Elven fort.
- [[The Steaming Gear]]: An enormous tavern and inn run by gnomes.
### Covenmarsh
*→ Main Article: [[Covenmarsh]]*
- [[Corvus Expanse]]: A large woodland and mountainous area on the south-east tip of the region largely uninhabited.
- [[Covenmarsh Bog]]: An enormous marshland nestled between [[The Gold Channel]] and the [[Trinkett Range]].
- [[Emerald Pass]]: A military outpost used to control passing in and out of the region by the [[Ardanian Dominion]].
- [[Harkdras Manor]]: A large manor used as a finishing boarding school for girls and young women. Sits on the south edge of the marshland and is run by [[Lilith Harkdras]], queen of the [[Harkdras Feast]].
- [[Pegmeadow]]: A small town on the road from [[Emerald Pass]] to [[Varokia]] that largely deals in lumber.
- [[Port Eldersteel]]: A large village on the coast of [[The Gold Channel]]. Once quite prosperous, a dragon attack during the [[The Third Age (463 - 785 PS)|Third Age]] left it in ruins and has since become downtrodden.
- [[Varokia]]: A vast city tucked away in the mountains isolated from the rest of the [[Ardanian Dominion]], Varokia is a dreary and quiet place.
### Eastern Aldora
*→ Main Article: [[Eastern Aldora]]*
- [[Ardenhall]]: A small town of experts in wine and ale making, the last stop before [[Emerald Pass]].
- [[Burning Hag]]: An enormous tavern that sits at the crossroads between [[Libell]], [[Ardenhall]] and the [[Opal Valley]].
- [[Direlee]]: A small satellite village of [[Sodholm]].
- [[Elkden]]: A lumber-industry town on the southern edge of the [[Dragonscale Greenwood]].
- [[Ironkeg]]: A medium-sized industrial town used for the [[Ardanian Legion]]'s weapon and armour smithing.
- [[Libell]]: A small city based on commerce and trade that sits close to the dead-centre of [[Ardania]].
- [[Mastfoot]]: A small village on the edge of the [[Goldneedle Thicket]].
- [[Sodholm]]: A massive, ancient city that was formed long before the Dominion had a footing in the land and is the capital of [[Eastern Aldora]]. It sits on the northern edge of the [[Seldarine Range]] flanked on either side by great cliffs and mountainous terrain.
- [[Wardham]]: An agricultural village to the south-west of [[Libell]].
- [[Westwich]]: A medium-sized town on the south edge of the [[Dragonscale Greenwood]] that focuses largely in agriculture and ale brewing.
### Harora Velly
*→ Main Article: [[Harora Velly]]*
- [[Conqueror's Cemetary]]: A mass grave that was created as the [[Iron Gate]] was constructed to house the bodies of those lost to the northern expansion of the Dominion.
- [[Gorrum]]: A large mining town at the footholds on the [[Platinum Mountains]], primarily dealing in iron mining.
- [[Greycot]]: A small riverside village dealing in lumber and fish
- [[Halfdol]]: A Large town that deals in quarrying and trade along the [[River Wald]]
- [[Helgrind]]: A large city of great prosperity that sits as the Dominions most northern city.
- [[Nenduar]]: An [[Elves|Elven]] enclave village that the Dominion pretends does not exist
- [[The Iron Gate]]: A massive gate in a stone wall that separates the Dominion from the lawless lands of the [[Kessereach Maw]] in the north.
### Virylia
*→ Main Article: [[Virylia]]*
- [[Havensportl]]:
- [[Kellfall]]:
- [[Sabertooth]]:
- [[Salmonstock]]:
### Opal Valley
*→ Main Article: [[Opal Valley]]*
- [[Randila]]:
- [[Yralen Gate]]:
### Platinum Vale
*→ Main Article: [[Platinum Vale]]*
- [[Atleva]]:
- [[Copperbreak]]:
- [[Hammerdaw]]:
- [[Lake Virylia]]:
- [[Pinivel]]:
- [[Platinum Pass]]:
- [[Ravenhaunt]]:
- [[Sullenberry]]:
- [[Whitevein]]:
### Port Saber
*→ Main Article: [[Port Saber]]*
- [[Ashenfell]]:
- [[Champion's Point]]:
- [[Everdock]]:
- [[The Gold Channel]]:
- [[Merchant's Bay]]:
- [[Port Saber]]:
- [[Saber Bay]]:
### The Wald
*→ Main Article: [[The Wald]]*
- [[Alandor]]:
- [[Blackstone]]:
- [[Fort Boskeft]]:
- [[Hardby]]:
- [[Leadhelm]]:
- [[Port Stone]]:
- [[Rookroost]]:
- [[Stillan Fishery]]:
- [[Waldencross]]:
- [[Waldenlock]]:
- [[Westfair]]:
- [[Whitestone]]:
### Western Aldora
*→ Main Article: [[Western Aldora]]*
- [[Branby]]: A large town on the banks of the [[Addeloch]].
- [[Branmouth]]: A large fishing village on the coast of the [[Oran Ocean]] and the banks of the [[River Bran]].
- [[Grimmhurst]]: A peat-farming village on the south-west edge of the [[Trianna Swamp]].
- [[Lindensmore]]: A large village south of the [[Dragonscale Greenwood]] and east of [[Wynan]].
- [[Longspear]]: A large merchant town that lies on the crossroads at the banks of the [[Addeloch]].
- [[Merchant's Corner]]: The final stop before the treacherous road through [[Zakhara]] and so a bustling hub of commerce and hospitality.
- [[Tollway]]: A small encampment that serves the purpose of tolling passers-by that journey along the road through the [[Dragonspine Peaks]] and into the [[Platinum Vale]].
- [[Wynan]]: A large trading city on the west coast of [[Adrania]]. Wynan is the capital of [[Western Aldora]] and is one of the three most influential cities in the Dominion.
### Zakhara
*→ Main Article: [[Zakhara]]*
- [[Genies' Garden]]:
- [[Ghaki]]:
- [[Inhepta]]:
- [[Khizara]]:
- [[Mirage Bay]]:
- [[Moradask]]:
- [[Redpost]]:
- [[Ruins of West Libell]]:
- [[Silt Bay]]:
- [[Sokkar]]:
- [[Umara]]:
- [[Utaqa]]:
## Environment
Around the northern areas of Aldora and the [[Platinum Vale]], the climate in Ardania is quite temperate with mild summers and cold winters though the further south ventured, the warmer it becomes. The [[Seldarine Range]] and [[Al Zakhir Peaks]] make for incredible weather breaks and allow [[Zakhara]] and the [[Tolizar Peninsula]] to enjoy their much warmer climates. Many wilderness areas exist around Ardania, such as the following:
### Wilderness Areas
- [[Dragonscale Greenwood]]
- [[The Virylian Forest]]
- [[Covenmarsh Bog]]
## Society
### Demographics
### Politics
*→ Main Article: [[Political Structure of the Ardanian Dominion]]*
The Ardanian Dominion has a somewhat simple political structure that can be broken down into 4 points as follows:
1. Every town and village is overseen by an [[Altester]]. Altesters are democratically voted into power by the people they represent in their town. They tend to the general matters at hand and keep a town functioning and paying their taxes. 
2. Every Altester reports to the [[Ealdorman]] of their province whose day-to-day job is overseeing the civil duties within their province as well as the daily functioning of the capital city of said province. An Ealdorman comes into power either by inheritence or by vote of the Witan.
3. Every Ealdorman reports to the [[High Lord]] of their province. The High Lord is tasked with the overall rule of the province as well as seeing to martial, civil, and political affairs. 11 High Lords make up [[The Witan]], the [[Weylyn Ardanum|King]]'s closest counsel. A High Lord comes into power either by inheritence or by the grace of the King.
4. The King's law is absolute throughout the kingdom and cannot be called into question. The King gains his crown by inheritence.
### Military
#### The Tyrian Guard
*→ Main Article: [[Tyrian Guard|The Tyrian Guard]]*
#### The Ardanian Legion
*→ Main Article: [[Ardanian Legion|The Ardanian Legion]]*
#### The Ardanian Navy
*→ Main Article: [[Ardanian Navy|The Ardanian Navy]]*
### Laws
### Religion

## History
### Founding
### Expansion
### The Winged War
### Tolizar Conflict
SlRvb commented 1 year ago

It should now be fixed in the ITS Beta. Not sure if you're using the beta, but if you want to, the instructions here should help: