SlRvb / Obsidian--ITS-Theme

Theme designed with readability and customizability in mind. Change it easily to your liking with the Style Settings plugin installed.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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colorful list failure to perform in live preview mode #52

Closed windily-cloud closed 2 years ago

windily-cloud commented 2 years ago

obsidian version: v0.13.14 theme version: latest (2021-12-29 update)

I tried turning on safe mode and setting it via style settings, but both failed. When I turn on "use legacy editor", the vertical line in front of the list is displayed normally.

now: image previous: image

What can I do to use the vertical line list in live preview mode, colorful lists may be better !

SlRvb commented 2 years ago

I think I might have to add murfs rainbow list snippet to my theme 🤔

windily-cloud commented 2 years ago

ITS is the most practical and beautiful theme I've come across so far, and there are such understanding and nice developers, I've also seen your "Journal vault", it's very beneficial, thank you very much for your work. I hope I can be like you in the future. 😊

SlRvb commented 2 years ago

I've pushed an update which should bring the lines "back" for cm6; it's a temporary fix for now.

There's also a new slider to help adjust the lines if your bullet lists don't match up to the default. It's under Note Elements > Lists > Murf's Rainbow Line Spacing

windily-cloud commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, but I don't seem to be displaying it properly here.

env: safe mode, without any CSS snippets, default style settings


So I modified the corresponding values a little bit to have the following effect:

env: add a CSS snippets

.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .list-bullet{
  padding-right: 0px;
} .cm-hmd-list-indent::before, .cm-hmd-list-indent::before{
  left: 16px;


In addition, in the reading mode, the original bullet line in the style settings seems to conflict:

env: open original bullet line option in style settings


Thanks again!

SlRvb commented 2 years ago

Strange, I can't seem to recreate either errors.

Those bullets in your first screenshot look quite unusually spaced really far out from the edge of the note and the text which is very strange, and the original bullet line hides the border for the list like it should on my end, can't seem to recreate those double lines 🤔

windily-cloud commented 2 years ago

When I upgraded the installer to the latest, all problems were solved. Thank you for your kind help! Happy New Year!😆