SlaSerX / stalker

:man_technologist: Stalker MW Portal auto install script
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storage nginx default setting error #27

Closed tzpeng closed 5 years ago

tzpeng commented 5 years ago

server { listen 80; server_name localhost;

location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

location ~* \.(mpg|mpeg|avi|ts|mkv|mp4|mov|m2ts|flv|m4v|srt|sub|ass)$ {

    secure_link $arg_st,$arg_e;
    secure_link_md5 "supersecret$uri$remote_addr$arg_e"; # you can change secret "supersecret" in the portal config - nginx_secure_link_secret

    if ($secure_link = "") {
        return 403;

    if ($secure_link = "0") {
        return 410;

    send_timeout 6h;
    root /var/www;  #  root /var/www/html; 


tzpeng commented 5 years ago

stalker/lab/storage line :183 modify ln -s /media/raid0/mac/ /var/www/media/storage to ln -s /media/raid0/mac/ /var/www/media/bb3 check the config.php file , Storage name is 'bb3'.

chuckomat commented 5 years ago

Hi, a marvelous script work, have you fixed these above with your new 1.26? I have setup the MW + Storage today, configured config.php added the (wrong) links and are facing problems actually to connect both servers correctly together.

tzpeng commented 5 years ago

please use a client login your MW+ server , play a movie , check the MW+ and Storage nginx log.

chuckomat commented 5 years ago

I'am actually have the problem to configure the Video club -> Movie-List -> Add file -> Example: ffmpeg I have stored a TS movie here in the storage server: /media/raid0/storage/ folder assigned bb3... and storage following your links . This one doesn't work: ffmpeg Ministra Portal gives: No media info Failed. Unable to probe The Infomir install manual o0nline doesn't explain which and what to enter to connect the storage correctly.

chuckomat commented 5 years ago

a tipp for the script: ask for the ip address during installation a) for the Ministra server (catch it automatically and insertion b) manually for the storage server - or for both vice versa?). Because both Linux should have been alread setup at least with one ethernet port to the common GbE switch Than insert them into the config files automatically ;-). -> Makes life easier as Plug&Play.

tzpeng commented 5 years ago

if config Storage server success . Video club - add movie - next next - finish Storage server will auto create the movie folder, finally upload the movie file to the folder

chuckomat commented 5 years ago
there is no movie folder creation neither in 'bb3' nor in 'storage' (links) nor in /media/raid0/storage etc... I have uploaded some to TS files to
/media/raid0/storage folder (all are 777 owner stalker (thats the sudo user) Admin -> Storage - ID
Title IP Home directory Maximum users Status  
1 bb3 /media/raid0/mac/ 50

Log from search Feb 06, 2019 13:04 | Result cannot be decoded. Result: EMPTy

tzpeng commented 5 years ago

chuckomat commented 5 years ago

yes exactly. And all of these are partly bullshit for endusers because full of mistakes and not understandable descriptions only to confuse people: Sometimes you do now know which files on what machine you should modify because you have them on both MW + storage-server: All Apaches and all php's and all Nginx. So a full install incl. timeshift / api / apps / records Video-Club is almost making your brain shaking. Same critics for the security chapter ;-). If reading that, you'll becoming mad.

chuckomat commented 5 years ago

detected some more: Apache2: /sites_enabled/000-default.config should sym-link the 000-default.conf to /sites_available/ but both are different: Virtual host stays at 80 instead of 88 (needed for Nginx). In particular if you run the a 2nd time it might not be consistent when checking files are already their? A 'sl' failure in line: 191 (storage script setup):

cd /var/www/html/stalker_portal/storage/ chmod a+x ./

sleep 1 sl sleep 1

returns an error - or is this intention?