Closed sbo-bot[bot] closed 3 days ago
sbolint: merkaartor checks out OK
Creating hintfile directory: /etc/repo/SBo/hintfiles
Checking whether git is clean ... yes.
Indexing SlackBuilds ... done.
git repo: /var/lib/repo/SBo/slackbuilds
branch: HEAD
date: Thu Nov 28 13:49:34 GMT 2024
revision: 7a4407a378c5951ae3789a8bcd55a0a50c1400ec
title: Merge eef65467b0d74e5cad0962e5e82a6266373135c4 into 87bac936d42f062af2cf6ee60452c6b40fc79165
gis/merkaartor 14:21:19
Calculating dependencies ...
Hints for gis/gdal:
ADDREQUIRES="freexl hdf hdf5 libkml netcdf postgresql xerces-c SFCGAL libheif zulu-openjdk17 apache-ant"
Hints for development/zulu-openjdk17:
Hints for libraries/hdf:
Hints for multimedia/rav1e:
Hints for development/cargo-c:
Hints for development/rust-opt:
Hints for graphics/graphviz:
ADDREQUIRES="gts DevIL ocaml"
Hints for libraries/netcdf:
Hints for system/postgresql:
Dependency tree:
gis/merkaartor (update for version 0.20.0)
gis/gdal (rebuild for updated deps)
system/postgresql (update for version 14.15)
libraries/xerces-c (ok)
libraries/podofo (ok)
libraries/netcdf (ok)
libraries/hdf5 (ok)
libraries/libaec (ok)
libraries/hdf (ok)
libraries/libkml (ok)
libraries/uriparser (ok)
graphics/graphviz (ok)
libraries/gts (ok)
libraries/DevIL (ok)
development/ocaml (ok)
libraries/libminizip (ok)
libraries/libheif (rebuild for updated deps)
multimedia/x265 (ok)
multimedia/svt-av1 (update for git 8f1d83c)
multimedia/rav1e (ok)
development/cargo-c (ok)
development/rust-opt (ok)
multimedia/kvazaar (ok)
multimedia/aom (ok)
libraries/libde265 (ok)
libraries/dav1d (ok)
libraries/hdf5 (ok)
libraries/libaec (ok)
libraries/hdf (ok)
libraries/freexl (ok)
libraries/libminizip (ok)
gis/libspatialite (ok)
libraries/freexl (ok)
libraries/libminizip (ok)
gis/proj (ok)
gis/librttopo (ok)
gis/geos (ok)
gis/libgeotiff (ok)
gis/proj (ok)
gis/SFCGAL (update for version 1.5.0)
libraries/CGAL5 (ok)
development/zulu-openjdk17 (ok)
development/python3-numpy (ok)
python/python3-mesonpy (ok)
python/python3-pyproject-metadata (ok)
python/python3-wheel (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
python/python3-build (ok)
python/python3-pyproject-hooks (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
python/python3-meson-opt (ok)
python/python3-wheel (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
python/python3-build (ok)
python/python3-pyproject-hooks (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
development/apache-ant (ok)
Building gis/SFCGAL (update for version 1.5.0) ------------------------ 14:21:29
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Removing old source files ... done.
Downloading source files ...
Verifying source files ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
CGAL5-5.6.1-i586-1_SBo: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library ...... [ 42M]
Running SFCGAL.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:25:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' nice -n 5 bash ./SFCGAL.SlackBuild
Build time 176 sec, peak load 14.25, peak memory 9033M, peak tmp 207M
Built ok: SFCGAL-1.5.0-i586-1_SBo.txz 14:24:27
Testing package SFCGAL-1.5.0-i586-1_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing SFCGAL-1.5.0-i586-1_SBo.txz ...
SFCGAL-1.5.0-i586-1_SBo: C++ wrapper around CGAL ....................... [ 13M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: SFCGAL-2.0.0-i586-1_SBo.txz
✅ gis/SFCGAL Updated for version 1.5.0 ✅
Building multimedia/svt-av1 (update for git 8f1d83c) ------------------ 14:24:29
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Verifying source files ... done.
Testing download URLs ... done.
Running svt-av1.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:25:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' nice -n 5 bash ./svt-av1.SlackBuild
Built ok: svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo.txz 14:24:53
Testing package svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo.txz ...
svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo: SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder .................. [ 12M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-1_SBo.txz
✅ multimedia/svt-av1 Updated for git 8f1d83c ✅
Building libraries/libheif (rebuild for updated deps) ----------------- 14:24:56
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Verifying source files ... done.
Testing download URLs ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
dav1d-1.4.3-i586-1_SBo: AV1 decoder .................................... [ 1.2M]
libde265-1.0.15-i586-2_SBo: open h.265 codec implementation ............ [ 780K]
aom-3.6.0-i586-1_SBo: Open Source Video Codec .......................... [ 10M]
kvazaar-2.3.1-i586-1_SBo: Open Source HEVC Encoder ..................... [ 600K]
rust-opt-1.82.0-i686-1_SBo: Rust: a safe, concurrent, practical language [ 441M]
cargo-c-0.10.4-i686-6_SBo: cargo C-ABI helper .......................... [ 109M]
rav1e-0.7.1-i686-14_SBo: AV1 encoder ................................... [ 52M]
svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo: SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder .................. [ 12M]
x265-3.6-i586-1_SBo: H265/HEVC video encoder ........................... [ 4.2M]
Running libheif.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:26:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' nice -n 5 bash ./libheif.SlackBuild
Built ok: libheif-1.18.2-i586-11_SBo.txz 14:25:36
Testing package libheif-1.18.2-i586-11_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing libheif-1.18.2-i586-11_SBo.txz ...
libheif-1.18.2-i586-11_SBo: HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encode [ 1.9M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: libheif-1.18.2-i586-10_SBo.txz
✅ libraries/libheif Rebuilt for updated deps ✅
Building system/postgresql (update for version 14.15) ----------------- 14:25:38
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Verifying source files ... done.
Testing download URLs ... done.
Adding groups and users:
groupadd -g 209 postgres;
useradd -u 209 -g postgres -c postgresql -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/false postgres;
Running postgresql.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:27:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' PG_EXTENSIONS=ALL nice -n 5 bash ./postgresql.SlackBuild
Build time 101 sec, peak load 11.94, peak memory 267M, peak tmp 321M
Built ok: postgresql-14.15-i586-1_SBo.txz 14:27:19
Testing package postgresql-14.15-i586-1_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing postgresql-14.15-i586-1_SBo.txz ...
Adding groups and users:
groupadd -g 209 postgres;
groupadd: group 'postgres' already exists
useradd -u 209 -g postgres -c postgresql -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/false postgres;
useradd: user 'postgres' already exists
postgresql-14.15-i586-1_SBo: object-relational database management syste [ 45M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: postgresql-14.13-i586-1_SBo.txz
✅ system/postgresql Updated for version 14.15 ✅
Building gis/gdal (rebuild for updated deps) -------------------------- 14:27:24
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Verifying source files ... done.
Testing download URLs ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
apache-ant-1.10.12-noarch-1_SBo: Java-based build tool ................. [ 42M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
python3-flit_core-3.10.1-i586-1_SBo: Simplified pkging of Python modules [ 140K]
python3-installer-0.7.0-i586-6_SBo: Library for installing Python packag [ 1.1M]
python3-pyproject-hooks-1.2.0-i586-1_SBo: Wrappers to call PEP 517 build [ 120K]
python3-build-1.2.2.post1-i586-1_SBo: a simple, correct PEP517 package b [ 220K]
python3-wheel-0.45.0-i586-1_SBo: A built-package format for Python ..... [ 640K]
python3-meson-opt-1.6.0-noarch-1_SBo: meson installed to /opt .......... [ 9.5M]
python3-pyproject-metadata-0.9.0-i586-1_SBo: PEP 621 metadata parsing .. [ 180K]
python3-mesonpy-0.17.1-i586-1_SBo: Meson Python build backend, PEP517 .. [ 260K]
python3-numpy-1.26.3-i586-9_SBo: Python3 extension for scientific comput [ 43M]
zulu-openjdk17-17.0.12-i686-2_SBo: Open Implementation of JDK .......... [ 298M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
CGAL5-5.6.1-i586-1_SBo: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library ...... [ 42M]
SFCGAL-1.5.0-i586-1_SBo: C++ wrapper around CGAL ....................... [ 13M]
proj-9.5.0-i586-2_SBo: Cartograpic projection procedures ............... [ 15M]
libgeotiff-1.7.3-i586-3_SBo: GeoTIFF support library ................... [ 460K]
geos-3.13.0-i586-2_SBo: Geometry Engine ................................ [ 8.3M]
librttopo-1.1.0-i586-3_SBo: RT Topology Library ........................ [ 680K]
libminizip-1.2.13-i586-2_SBo: compression library ...................... [ 120K]
freexl-2.0.0-i586-5_SBo: library to extract valid data from Excel files [ 140K]
libspatialite-5.1.0-i586-7_SBo: extension for SQLite database .......... [ 19M]
hdf-4.2.15-i586-2_SBo: HDF4 software libraries and utilities ........... [ 2.2M]
libaec-1.1.3-i586-2_SBo: Adaptive Entropy Coding library ............... [ 150K]
hdf5-1.14.1-i586-2_SBo: HDF5 software libraries and utilities .......... [ 15M]
dav1d-1.4.3-i586-1_SBo: AV1 decoder .................................... [ 1.2M]
libde265-1.0.15-i586-2_SBo: open h.265 codec implementation ............ [ 780K]
aom-3.6.0-i586-1_SBo: Open Source Video Codec .......................... [ 10M]
kvazaar-2.3.1-i586-1_SBo: Open Source HEVC Encoder ..................... [ 600K]
rust-opt-1.82.0-i686-1_SBo: Rust: a safe, concurrent, practical language [ 441M]
cargo-c-0.10.4-i686-6_SBo: cargo C-ABI helper .......................... [ 109M]
rav1e-0.7.1-i686-14_SBo: AV1 encoder ................................... [ 52M]
svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo: SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder .................. [ 12M]
x265-3.6-i586-1_SBo: H265/HEVC video encoder ........................... [ 4.2M]
libheif-1.18.2-i586-11_SBo: HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encode [ 1.9M]
ocaml-4.13.1-i586-2_SBo: A functional programming language ............. [ 405M]
DevIL-1.8.0-i586-5_SBo: image library .................................. [ 2.7M]
gts-0.7.6-i586-4_SBo: GNU Triangulated Surface Library ................. [ 1.3M]
graphviz-12.0.0-i586-2_SBo: Graph Visualization ........................ [ 13M]
uriparser-0.9.8-i586-3_SBo: URI parsing library ........................ [ 1.5M]
libkml-1.3.0-i586-8_SBo: KML library ................................... [ 2.2M]
netcdf-4.9.2-i586-1_SBo: libraries for storing scientific data ......... [ 2.8M]
podofo-0.10.4-i586-2_SBo: a library to work with the PDF file format ... [ 5.4M]
xerces-c-3.2.3-i586-2_SBo: XML Parser .................................. [ 8.3M]
Adding groups and users:
groupadd -g 209 postgres;
useradd -u 209 -g postgres -c postgresql -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/false postgres;
postgresql-14.15-i586-1_SBo: object-relational database management syste [ 45M]
Running gdal.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:34:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' JAVA=yes nice -n 5 bash ./gdal.SlackBuild
Build time 298 sec, peak load 13.71, peak memory 2188M, peak tmp 206M
Built ok: gdal-3.9.3-i586-4_SBo.txz 14:33:32
Testing package gdal-3.9.3-i586-4_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing gdal-3.9.3-i586-4_SBo.txz ...
gdal-3.9.3-i586-4_SBo: translator library for raster geospatial data for [ 47M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: gdal-3.9.3-i586-3_SBo.txz
✅ gis/gdal Rebuilt for updated deps ✅
Building gis/merkaartor (update for version 0.20.0) ------------------- 14:33:40
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Downloading source files ...
Verifying source files ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
apache-ant-1.10.12-noarch-1_SBo: Java-based build tool ................. [ 42M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
python3-flit_core-3.10.1-i586-1_SBo: Simplified pkging of Python modules [ 140K]
python3-installer-0.7.0-i586-6_SBo: Library for installing Python packag [ 1.1M]
python3-pyproject-hooks-1.2.0-i586-1_SBo: Wrappers to call PEP 517 build [ 120K]
python3-build-1.2.2.post1-i586-1_SBo: a simple, correct PEP517 package b [ 220K]
python3-wheel-0.45.0-i586-1_SBo: A built-package format for Python ..... [ 640K]
python3-meson-opt-1.6.0-noarch-1_SBo: meson installed to /opt .......... [ 9.5M]
python3-pyproject-metadata-0.9.0-i586-1_SBo: PEP 621 metadata parsing .. [ 180K]
python3-mesonpy-0.17.1-i586-1_SBo: Meson Python build backend, PEP517 .. [ 260K]
python3-numpy-1.26.3-i586-9_SBo: Python3 extension for scientific comput [ 43M]
zulu-openjdk17-17.0.12-i686-2_SBo: Open Implementation of JDK .......... [ 298M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
CGAL5-5.6.1-i586-1_SBo: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library ...... [ 42M]
SFCGAL-1.5.0-i586-1_SBo: C++ wrapper around CGAL ....................... [ 13M]
proj-9.5.0-i586-2_SBo: Cartograpic projection procedures ............... [ 15M]
libgeotiff-1.7.3-i586-3_SBo: GeoTIFF support library ................... [ 460K]
geos-3.13.0-i586-2_SBo: Geometry Engine ................................ [ 8.3M]
librttopo-1.1.0-i586-3_SBo: RT Topology Library ........................ [ 680K]
libminizip-1.2.13-i586-2_SBo: compression library ...................... [ 120K]
freexl-2.0.0-i586-5_SBo: library to extract valid data from Excel files [ 140K]
libspatialite-5.1.0-i586-7_SBo: extension for SQLite database .......... [ 19M]
hdf-4.2.15-i586-2_SBo: HDF4 software libraries and utilities ........... [ 2.2M]
libaec-1.1.3-i586-2_SBo: Adaptive Entropy Coding library ............... [ 150K]
hdf5-1.14.1-i586-2_SBo: HDF5 software libraries and utilities .......... [ 15M]
dav1d-1.4.3-i586-1_SBo: AV1 decoder .................................... [ 1.2M]
libde265-1.0.15-i586-2_SBo: open h.265 codec implementation ............ [ 780K]
aom-3.6.0-i586-1_SBo: Open Source Video Codec .......................... [ 10M]
kvazaar-2.3.1-i586-1_SBo: Open Source HEVC Encoder ..................... [ 600K]
rust-opt-1.82.0-i686-1_SBo: Rust: a safe, concurrent, practical language [ 441M]
cargo-c-0.10.4-i686-6_SBo: cargo C-ABI helper .......................... [ 109M]
rav1e-0.7.1-i686-14_SBo: AV1 encoder ................................... [ 52M]
svt-av1-2.3.0-i586-2_SBo: SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder .................. [ 12M]
x265-3.6-i586-1_SBo: H265/HEVC video encoder ........................... [ 4.2M]
libheif-1.18.2-i586-11_SBo: HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encode [ 1.9M]
ocaml-4.13.1-i586-2_SBo: A functional programming language ............. [ 405M]
DevIL-1.8.0-i586-5_SBo: image library .................................. [ 2.7M]
gts-0.7.6-i586-4_SBo: GNU Triangulated Surface Library ................. [ 1.3M]
graphviz-12.0.0-i586-2_SBo: Graph Visualization ........................ [ 13M]
uriparser-0.9.8-i586-3_SBo: URI parsing library ........................ [ 1.5M]
libkml-1.3.0-i586-8_SBo: KML library ................................... [ 2.2M]
netcdf-4.9.2-i586-1_SBo: libraries for storing scientific data ......... [ 2.8M]
podofo-0.10.4-i586-2_SBo: a library to work with the PDF file format ... [ 5.4M]
xerces-c-3.2.3-i586-2_SBo: XML Parser .................................. [ 8.3M]
Adding groups and users:
groupadd -g 209 postgres;
useradd -u 209 -g postgres -c postgresql -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/false postgres;
postgresql-14.15-i586-1_SBo: object-relational database management syste [ 45M]
gdal-3.9.3-i586-4_SBo: translator library for raster geospatial data for [ 47M]
Running merkaartor.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:37:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' nice -n 5 bash ./merkaartor.SlackBuild
gis/merkaartor: merkaartor.SlackBuild failed (status 1) 14:34:58
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.21/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-3.21/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:594 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See /var/log/repo/SBo/gis/merkaartor/build.log
Unmounting chroot ... done.
⛔️ gis/merkaartor FAILED ⛔️
SUMMARY 14:35:01
Logfile: /var/log/repo/SBo/repo_2024-11-28_14:21:18.log
Runtime: 0h 13m 43s
Updated: 3
Rebuilt: 2
Failed: 1
@giandex please have a look on this PR
Creating hintfile directory: /etc/repo/SBo/hintfiles
Checking whether git is clean ... yes.
Indexing SlackBuilds ... done.
git repo: /var/lib/repo/SBo/slackbuilds
branch: HEAD
date: Thu Nov 28 13:49:34 GMT 2024
revision: 7a4407a378c5951ae3789a8bcd55a0a50c1400ec
title: Merge eef65467b0d74e5cad0962e5e82a6266373135c4 into 87bac936d42f062af2cf6ee60452c6b40fc79165
gis/merkaartor 14:36:03
Calculating dependencies ...
Hints for gis/gdal:
ADDREQUIRES="freexl hdf hdf5 libkml netcdf postgresql xerces-c SFCGAL libheif zulu-openjdk17 apache-ant"
Hints for development/zulu-openjdk17:
Hints for libraries/hdf:
Hints for multimedia/rav1e:
Hints for development/cargo-c:
Hints for development/rust-opt:
Hints for graphics/graphviz:
ADDREQUIRES="gts DevIL ocaml"
Hints for libraries/netcdf:
Hints for system/postgresql:
Dependency tree:
gis/merkaartor (update for version 0.20.0)
gis/gdal (rebuild for updated deps)
system/postgresql (ok)
libraries/xerces-c (ok)
libraries/podofo (ok)
libraries/netcdf (ok)
libraries/hdf5 (ok)
libraries/libaec (ok)
libraries/hdf (ok)
libraries/libkml (ok)
libraries/uriparser (ok)
graphics/graphviz (ok)
libraries/gts (ok)
libraries/DevIL (ok)
development/ocaml (ok)
libraries/libminizip (ok)
libraries/libheif (ok)
multimedia/x265 (ok)
multimedia/svt-av1 (ok)
multimedia/rav1e (ok)
development/cargo-c (ok)
development/rust-opt (ok)
multimedia/kvazaar (ok)
multimedia/aom (ok)
libraries/libde265 (ok)
libraries/dav1d (ok)
libraries/hdf5 (ok)
libraries/libaec (ok)
libraries/hdf (ok)
libraries/freexl (ok)
libraries/libminizip (ok)
gis/libspatialite (ok)
libraries/freexl (ok)
libraries/libminizip (ok)
gis/proj (ok)
gis/librttopo (ok)
gis/geos (ok)
gis/libgeotiff (ok)
gis/proj (ok)
gis/SFCGAL (update for version 1.5.0)
libraries/CGAL5 (ok)
development/zulu-openjdk17 (ok)
development/python3-numpy (ok)
python/python3-mesonpy (ok)
python/python3-pyproject-metadata (ok)
python/python3-wheel (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
python/python3-build (ok)
python/python3-pyproject-hooks (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
python/python3-meson-opt (ok)
python/python3-wheel (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
python/python3-build (ok)
python/python3-pyproject-hooks (ok)
python/python3-installer (ok)
python/python3-flit_core (ok)
development/apache-ant (ok)
Building gis/SFCGAL (update for version 1.5.0) ------------------------ 14:36:11
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Verifying source files ... done.
Testing download URLs ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
CGAL5-5.6.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library .... [ 42M]
Running SFCGAL.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:40:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' nice -n 5 bash ./SFCGAL.SlackBuild
Build time 164 sec, peak load 13.79, peak memory 12568M, peak tmp 189M
Built ok: SFCGAL-1.5.0-x86_64-1_SBo.txz 14:38:57
Testing package SFCGAL-1.5.0-x86_64-1_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing SFCGAL-1.5.0-x86_64-1_SBo.txz ...
SFCGAL-1.5.0-x86_64-1_SBo: C++ wrapper around CGAL ..................... [ 13M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: SFCGAL-2.0.0-x86_64-1_SBo.txz
✅ gis/SFCGAL Updated for version 1.5.0 ✅
Building gis/gdal (rebuild for updated deps) -------------------------- 14:38:58
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Verifying source files ... done.
Testing download URLs ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
apache-ant-1.10.12-noarch-1_SBo: Java-based build tool ................. [ 42M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
python3-flit_core-3.10.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Simplified pkging of Python modul [ 140K]
python3-installer-0.7.0-x86_64-6_SBo: Library for installing Python pack [ 1.1M]
python3-pyproject-hooks-1.2.0-x86_64-1_SBo: Wrappers to call PEP 517 bui [ 120K]
python3-build-1.2.2.post1-x86_64-1_SBo: a simple, correct PEP517 package [ 220K]
python3-wheel-0.45.0-x86_64-1_SBo: A built-package format for Python ... [ 650K]
python3-meson-opt-1.6.0-noarch-1_SBo: meson installed to /opt .......... [ 9.5M]
python3-pyproject-metadata-0.9.0-x86_64-1_SBo: PEP 621 metadata parsing [ 180K]
python3-mesonpy-0.17.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Meson Python build backend, PEP517 [ 260K]
python3-numpy-1.26.3-x86_64-9_SBo: Python3 extension for scientific comp [ 44M]
zulu-openjdk17-17.0.12-x86_64-2_SBo: Open Implementation of JDK ........ [ 324M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
CGAL5-5.6.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library .... [ 42M]
SFCGAL-1.5.0-x86_64-1_SBo: C++ wrapper around CGAL ..................... [ 13M]
proj-9.5.0-x86_64-2_SBo: Cartograpic projection procedures ............. [ 15M]
libgeotiff-1.7.3-x86_64-4_SBo: GeoTIFF support library ................. [ 520K]
geos-3.13.0-x86_64-2_SBo: Geometry Engine .............................. [ 8.0M]
librttopo-1.1.0-x86_64-3_SBo: RT Topology Library ...................... [ 640K]
libminizip-1.2.13-x86_64-2_SBo: compression library .................... [ 120K]
freexl-2.0.0-x86_64-5_SBo: library to extract valid data from Excel file [ 140K]
libspatialite-5.1.0-x86_64-7_SBo: extension for SQLite database ........ [ 17M]
hdf-4.2.15-x86_64-2_SBo: HDF4 software libraries and utilities ......... [ 2.2M]
libaec-1.1.3-x86_64-2_SBo: Adaptive Entropy Coding library ............. [ 140K]
hdf5-1.14.1-x86_64-2_SBo: HDF5 software libraries and utilities ........ [ 14M]
dav1d-1.4.3-x86_64-1_SBo: AV1 decoder .................................. [ 1.8M]
libde265-1.0.15-x86_64-2_SBo: open h.265 codec implementation .......... [ 770K]
aom-3.6.0-x86_64-1_SBo: Open Source Video Codec ........................ [ 19M]
kvazaar-2.3.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Open Source HEVC Encoder ................... [ 630K]
rust-opt-1.82.0-x86_64-1_SBo: Rust: a safe, concurrent, practical langua [ 483M]
cargo-c-0.10.4-x86_64-6_SBo: cargo C-ABI helper ........................ [ 98M]
rav1e-0.7.1-x86_64-13_SBo: AV1 encoder ................................. [ 82M]
svt-av1-2.3.0-x86_64-2_SBo: SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder ................ [ 16M]
x265-3.6-x86_64-1_SBo: H265/HEVC video encoder ......................... [ 20M]
libheif-1.18.2-x86_64-11_SBo: HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and enco [ 1.9M]
ocaml-4.13.1-x86_64-2_SBo: A functional programming language ........... [ 430M]
DevIL-1.8.0-x86_64-5_SBo: image library ................................ [ 2.7M]
gts-0.7.6-x86_64-4_SBo: GNU Triangulated Surface Library ............... [ 1.5M]
graphviz-12.0.0-x86_64-2_SBo: Graph Visualization ...................... [ 13M]
uriparser-0.9.8-x86_64-3_SBo: URI parsing library ...................... [ 1.5M]
libkml-1.3.0-x86_64-8_SBo: KML library ................................. [ 2.1M]
netcdf-4.9.2-x86_64-1_SBo: libraries for storing scientific data ....... [ 2.7M]
podofo-0.10.4-x86_64-2_SBo: a library to work with the PDF file format . [ 5.8M]
xerces-c-3.2.3-x86_64-2_SBo: XML Parser ................................ [ 8.2M]
Adding groups and users:
groupadd -g 209 postgres;
useradd -u 209 -g postgres -c postgresql -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/false postgres;
postgresql-14.15-x86_64-1_SBo: object-relational database management sys [ 45M]
Running gdal.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:45:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' JAVA=yes nice -n 5 bash ./gdal.SlackBuild
Build time 284 sec, peak load 13.59, peak memory 3766M, peak tmp 230M
Built ok: gdal-3.9.3-x86_64-5_SBo.txz 14:44:47
Testing package gdal-3.9.3-x86_64-5_SBo.txz ... done.
Test installing gdal-3.9.3-x86_64-5_SBo.txz ...
gdal-3.9.3-x86_64-5_SBo: translator library for raster geospatial data f [ 46M]
Unmounting chroot ... done.
Backed up: gdal-3.9.3-x86_64-4_SBo.txz
✅ gis/gdal Rebuilt for updated deps ✅
Building gis/merkaartor (update for version 0.20.0) ------------------- 14:44:54
Testing SlackBuild files ... done.
Downloading source files ...
Verifying source files ... done.
Installing dependencies ...
apache-ant-1.10.12-noarch-1_SBo: Java-based build tool ................. [ 42M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
python3-flit_core-3.10.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Simplified pkging of Python modul [ 140K]
python3-installer-0.7.0-x86_64-6_SBo: Library for installing Python pack [ 1.1M]
python3-pyproject-hooks-1.2.0-x86_64-1_SBo: Wrappers to call PEP 517 bui [ 120K]
python3-build-1.2.2.post1-x86_64-1_SBo: a simple, correct PEP517 package [ 220K]
python3-wheel-0.45.0-x86_64-1_SBo: A built-package format for Python ... [ 650K]
python3-meson-opt-1.6.0-noarch-1_SBo: meson installed to /opt .......... [ 9.5M]
python3-pyproject-metadata-0.9.0-x86_64-1_SBo: PEP 621 metadata parsing [ 180K]
python3-mesonpy-0.17.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Meson Python build backend, PEP517 [ 260K]
python3-numpy-1.26.3-x86_64-9_SBo: Python3 extension for scientific comp [ 44M]
zulu-openjdk17-17.0.12-x86_64-2_SBo: Open Implementation of JDK ........ [ 324M]
Running profile script: /etc/profile.d/
CGAL5-5.6.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library .... [ 42M]
SFCGAL-1.5.0-x86_64-1_SBo: C++ wrapper around CGAL ..................... [ 13M]
proj-9.5.0-x86_64-2_SBo: Cartograpic projection procedures ............. [ 15M]
libgeotiff-1.7.3-x86_64-4_SBo: GeoTIFF support library ................. [ 520K]
geos-3.13.0-x86_64-2_SBo: Geometry Engine .............................. [ 8.0M]
librttopo-1.1.0-x86_64-3_SBo: RT Topology Library ...................... [ 640K]
libminizip-1.2.13-x86_64-2_SBo: compression library .................... [ 120K]
freexl-2.0.0-x86_64-5_SBo: library to extract valid data from Excel file [ 140K]
libspatialite-5.1.0-x86_64-7_SBo: extension for SQLite database ........ [ 17M]
hdf-4.2.15-x86_64-2_SBo: HDF4 software libraries and utilities ......... [ 2.2M]
libaec-1.1.3-x86_64-2_SBo: Adaptive Entropy Coding library ............. [ 140K]
hdf5-1.14.1-x86_64-2_SBo: HDF5 software libraries and utilities ........ [ 14M]
dav1d-1.4.3-x86_64-1_SBo: AV1 decoder .................................. [ 1.8M]
libde265-1.0.15-x86_64-2_SBo: open h.265 codec implementation .......... [ 770K]
aom-3.6.0-x86_64-1_SBo: Open Source Video Codec ........................ [ 19M]
kvazaar-2.3.1-x86_64-1_SBo: Open Source HEVC Encoder ................... [ 630K]
rust-opt-1.82.0-x86_64-1_SBo: Rust: a safe, concurrent, practical langua [ 483M]
cargo-c-0.10.4-x86_64-6_SBo: cargo C-ABI helper ........................ [ 98M]
rav1e-0.7.1-x86_64-13_SBo: AV1 encoder ................................. [ 82M]
svt-av1-2.3.0-x86_64-2_SBo: SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder ................ [ 16M]
x265-3.6-x86_64-1_SBo: H265/HEVC video encoder ......................... [ 20M]
libheif-1.18.2-x86_64-11_SBo: HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and enco [ 1.9M]
ocaml-4.13.1-x86_64-2_SBo: A functional programming language ........... [ 430M]
DevIL-1.8.0-x86_64-5_SBo: image library ................................ [ 2.7M]
gts-0.7.6-x86_64-4_SBo: GNU Triangulated Surface Library ............... [ 1.5M]
graphviz-12.0.0-x86_64-2_SBo: Graph Visualization ...................... [ 13M]
uriparser-0.9.8-x86_64-3_SBo: URI parsing library ...................... [ 1.5M]
libkml-1.3.0-x86_64-8_SBo: KML library ................................. [ 2.1M]
netcdf-4.9.2-x86_64-1_SBo: libraries for storing scientific data ....... [ 2.7M]
podofo-0.10.4-x86_64-2_SBo: a library to work with the PDF file format . [ 5.8M]
xerces-c-3.2.3-x86_64-2_SBo: XML Parser ................................ [ 8.2M]
Adding groups and users:
groupadd -g 209 postgres;
useradd -u 209 -g postgres -c postgresql -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/false postgres;
postgresql-14.15-x86_64-1_SBo: object-relational database management sys [ 45M]
gdal-3.9.3-x86_64-5_SBo: translator library for raster geospatial data f [ 46M]
Running merkaartor.SlackBuild ... ETA 14:47:??
env MAKEFLAGS='-j24 -l13' nice -n 5 bash ./merkaartor.SlackBuild
gis/merkaartor: merkaartor.SlackBuild failed (status 1) 14:46:06
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.21/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-3.21/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:594 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See /var/log/repo/SBo/gis/merkaartor/build.log
Unmounting chroot ... done.
⛔️ gis/merkaartor FAILED ⛔️
SUMMARY 14:46:10
Logfile: /var/log/repo/SBo/repo_2024-11-28_14:36:02.log
Runtime: 0h 10m 9s
Updated: 1
Rebuilt: 1
Failed: 1
I'm afraid, I find now that protobuf was added as dependency on February 2023. It's mentioned in the source package (file but not in the changelog of the web download page in github ( ) Since I already have protobuf installed on my systems (current and 15.0 stable), I missed this implementation. I'll try to sent a new update adding protobuf3 as required dependency in This should remove the issue (I hope)
I confirm: removing protobuf3 from my system, the build of merkaartor fails
I cannot send a new tarball with the fix because the pending queue is busy:
File exists; a submission by the name 'merkaartor' is already pending approval.
you can send a PR instead since this is an update
i have removed the script from pending as well if you would like to submit via normal submission
@sbo-bot: build gis/merkaartor