ros2 launch rplidar_ros
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [rplidar_node-1]: process started with pid [48531]
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.802838781] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar running on ROS2 package rplidar_ros. RPLIDAR SDK Version:2.1.0
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.818892015] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar S/N: D46BE1F4C2E398C0BCEA9AF35AB04806
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.818956194] [rplidar_node]: Firmware Ver: 1.02
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.818969910] [rplidar_node]: Hardware Rev: 18
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.820741457] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar health status : 0
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.820798992] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar health status : OK.
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849153.997545670] [rplidar_node]: current scan mode: DenseBoost, sample rate: -2147483648 Khz, max_distance: 40.0 m, scan frequency:10.0 Hz,
[ERROR] [rplidar_node-1]: process has died [pid 48531, exit code -8, cmd '/home/neousys/src/rplidar_ros/install/rplidar_ros/lib/rplidar_ros/rplidar_node --ros-args -r __node:=rplidar_node --params-file /tmp/launch_params_qdn84cak'].
When using Standard scan I get no scan data to topic /scan and the sample rate is not correct:
ros2 launch rplidar_ros scan_mode:=Standard
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [rplidar_node-1]: process started with pid [49817]
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.665507447] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar running on ROS2 package rplidar_ros. RPLIDAR SDK Version:2.1.0
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.676807695] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar S/N: D46BE1F4C2E398C0BCEA9AF35AB04806
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.676910754] [rplidar_node]: Firmware Ver: 1.02
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.676928470] [rplidar_node]: Hardware Rev: 18
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.678669176] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar health status : 0
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.678714104] [rplidar_node]: RPLidar health status : OK.
[rplidar_node-1] [INFO] [1724849317.958663416] [rplidar_node]: current scan mode: , sample rate: -2147483648 Khz, max_distance: 0.0 m, scan frequency:10.0 Hz,
Both of these work fine with other lidars:
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.072474019] [slamtec_node]: Connecting
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.081598654] [slamtec_node]: Lidar S/N: B1EFCE9DCE9F4C410
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.081753632] [slamtec_node]: Firmware Ver: 1.02
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.081798760] [slamtec_node]: Hardware Rev: 18
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.083712281] [slamtec_node]: SLLidar health status : 0
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.083772424] [slamtec_node]: SLLidar health status : OK.
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724844901.276020837] [slamtec_node]: current scan mode: DenseBoost, sample rate: 32 Khz, max_distance: 40.0 m, scan frequency:10.0 Hz,
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.562610440] [slamtec_node]: Connecting
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.572758476] [slamtec_node]: Lidar S/N: B1EFCE9DCE9F4C410
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.572919570] [slamtec_node]: Firmware Ver: 1.02
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.572967109] [slamtec_node]: Hardware Rev: 18
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.575040821] [slamtec_node]: SLLidar health status : 0
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.575121941] [slamtec_node]: SLLidar health status : OK.
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1724843100.883987001] [slamtec_node]: current scan mode: Standard, sample rate: 16 Khz, max_distance: 16.0 m, scan frequency:10.0 Hz,
The problem lidar D46BE1F4C2E398C0BCEA9AF35AB04806 was able to get scan data using RoboStudio. The other lidar (B1EFCE9DCE9F4C410) was never connected to RoboStudio
I have an S3 lidar that has a few issues.
Both of these work fine with other lidars:
The problem lidar D46BE1F4C2E398C0BCEA9AF35AB04806 was able to get scan data using RoboStudio. The other lidar (B1EFCE9DCE9F4C410) was never connected to RoboStudio