Stephanie is an open-source platform built specifically for voice-controlled applications as well as to automate daily tasks imitating much of an virtual assistant's work.
When running from cli, "python", she turns on but continues beeping, my guess is a threshold of mic input but nothing should be saying "stefanie", it's quiet. In cli it keeps saying "'Your command is my order!
Google speech recognition could not understand audio,
Give me your ocmmand!
continuously as it beeps. No "stefanie" is said, mic is turned on.
When running from cli, "python", she turns on but continues beeping, my guess is a threshold of mic input but nothing should be saying "stefanie", it's quiet. In cli it keeps saying "'Your command is my order! Google speech recognition could not understand audio, Give me your ocmmand!
continuously as it beeps. No "stefanie" is said, mic is turned on.