SlappedWithSilence / TXEnginePy

A Python port of the original TXEngine project
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Add `BranchingState` construct to `FiniteStateDevice` #48

Closed SlappedWithSilence closed 10 months ago

SlappedWithSilence commented 10 months ago

A common and exhausting pattern in FiniteStateDevices is creating one state that does nothing but handle branching into other states.

For example:

some_branching_options = {
    "State A": self.States.A,
    "State B": self.States.B

@FiniteStateDevice.state_logic(self, self.States.GO_TO_OTHER_STATE, input_type.INT, input_min=0, input_max=len(some_branching_options) - 1)
def logic(user_input: int):

@FiniteStateDevice.state_content(self, self.States.GO_TO_OTHER_STATE
def content()
    return ComponentFactory.get("Some Prompt", [ [s] for s in self.some_branching_options.keys()])

Frankly, this pattern is terrible. It could be condensed into a pre-built construct that handles all this setup:

@FiniteStateDevice.branching_state(self, self.branching_state_map, prompt)

Thus, all of the branching logic can be hid from the developer.

Further, several optional arguments can be baked in, such as back_out_state to allow the user to use -1 to return to a previous state, etc.