Open minida28 opened 5 years ago
For those curious, I fixed the problem by following this issue:
It now compiles after changing
#define pgm_read_ptr(addr) (*reinterpret_cast<const void*>(addr))
#define pgm_read_ptr(addr) (*reinterpret_cast<const void* const *>(addr))
in pgmspace.h
(see original log for full path)
I had the same issue, why doesn't it get fixed in the actual repo?
I had the same problem, and it is still not fixed. What a mess !!!
Platform: NodeMcu / ESP8266.
By the time I am posting this issue, I am using:
Just after I updated esp8266 core to the latest version (git), suddenly the sketch won't compile, and I got this error:
error: 'const void*' is not a pointer-to-object type
So clearly there must be something in esp8266 arduino core that causes this issue.
This is pretty similar to issue #76
Applying the fix mentioned in the above issue seems solve the compile problem.
Here is the change I did in file
, I added new define#if defined(ESP8266) | \
Below is the complete error: