SlashDevin / NeoGPS

NMEA and ublox GPS parser for Arduino, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Neogps library and Tft display #131

Open mustafa-ozlu opened 4 years ago

mustafa-ozlu commented 4 years ago

Hi, i wrote a code for displaying gps nmea sentences to tft display. But my code not display results. Display all sentences 0.00 Where is my fault.


static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 38400;


static NMEAGPS gps; static gps_fix fix;

define gpsPort Serial

define GPS_PORT_NAME "Serial"



if defined(_GFXFONTH)

include <Fonts/FreeSerif9pt7b.h>

define ADJ_BASELINE 11




define LCD_CS A3

define LCD_CD A2

define LCD_WR A1

define LCD_RD A0

define BLACK 0x0000

define BLUE 0x001F

define RED 0xF800

define GREEN 0x07E0

define CYAN 0x07FF

define MAGENTA 0xF81F

define YELLOW 0xFFE0

define WHITE 0xFFFF

MCUFRIEND_kbv tft; static const int32_t zone_hours = 3L; // "C" +3Hours Ankara Time static const int32_t zone_minutes = 0L; static const NeoGPS::clock_t zone_offset = zone_hours NeoGPS::SECONDS_PER_HOUR + zone_minutes NeoGPS::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;

static const NeoGPS::Location_t Foca( 38.3810, -26.4550 ); long bearingToFoca = fix.location.BearingToDegrees( Foca ); long range = fix.location.DistanceMiles( Foca );

void setup() { gpsPort.begin( GPSBaud ); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); tft.reset(); uint16_t identifier = tft.readID(); tft.begin(identifier); tft.setRotation(1);

if defined(_GFXFONTH)



tft.fillScreen(BLUE); delay(100); tft.fillScreen(RED); delay(100); tft.fillScreen(GREEN); delay(100); tft.fillScreen(BLACK); tft.setCursor(20, 40); tft.setTextColor(MAGENTA); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.println("GPS BILGILERI"); delay(3000); tft.fillScreen(BLACK);


void loop() { displayInfo(); }

void adjustTime( NeoGPS::time_t & dt ) { NeoGPS::clock_t seconds = dt; // convert date/time structure to seconds seconds += zone_offset; dt = seconds; // convert seconds back to a date/time structure

} // adjustTime

void displayInfo() { while (gps.available( gpsPort )) { gps_fix fix =; digitalWrite( 13, !digitalRead(13) ); } if ((gps.statistics.chars < 10) && (millis() > 5000)) { tft.setCursor(0, 35); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.println(F("GPS Sinyali Bekleniyor")); // while (true); } tft.fillScreen(BLACK); tft.setTextColor(WHITE); if ( && fix.valid.time) { adjustTime( fix.dateTime ); } tft.setCursor(1, 25); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.print(F("Saat : ")); if (fix.dateTime.hours < 10) { tft.print("0"); tft.print(fix.dateTime.hours); } else { tft.print(fix.dateTime.hours); } Serial.print("SAAT : "); Serial.print(fix.dateTime.hours); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(fix.dateTime.minutes); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(fix.dateTime.seconds); tft.print(F(":")); if (fix.dateTime.minutes < 10) { tft.print("0"); tft.print(fix.dateTime.minutes); } else { tft.print(fix.dateTime.minutes); } tft.print(F(":")); if (fix.dateTime.seconds < 10) { tft.print("0"); tft.println(fix.dateTime.seconds); } else { tft.println(fix.dateTime.seconds); } Serial.print("Tarih : "); Serial.print(; Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(fix.dateTime.month); Serial.print("/"); Serial.println(fix.dateTime.year); tft.print(F("Tarih : ")); tft.print(; tft.print(F("/")); tft.print(fix.dateTime.month); tft.print(F("/")); tft.println(fix.dateTime.year); tft.setTextColor(YELLOW); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.print("Lat : "); if (fix.latitude() < 0) { tft.print(fix.latitude()); tft.println(" S"); } else { tft.print(fix.latitude()); tft.println(" N"); } tft.setTextColor(YELLOW); tft.print("Long: "); if (fix.longitude() < 0) { tft.print(fix.longitude()); tft.println(" E"); } else { tft.print(fix.longitude()); tft.println(" W"); } gpsPort.print("LAT : "); gpsPort.print(fix.latitude() ); gpsPort.print(" LON : "); gpsPort.println(fix.longitude() ); tft.print("HIZ : "); tft.print(fix.speed()); tft.println(" Kts"); gpsPort.print("HIZ: "); gpsPort.println(fix.speed() ); tft.print("FOCA'ya :"); tft.print(range); tft.println(" Nm"); gpsPort.print("Mesafe: "); gpsPort.println( range ); tft.print("Kerteriz :"); tft.print(bearingToFoca); gpsPort.print("KERTE: "); gpsPort.println( bearingToFoca ); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setCursor(200, 100); tft.setTextColor(RED); tft.print("ROTA"); tft.setCursor(220, 130); if (fix.heading() < 10) { tft.print("00"); tft.print(fix.heading()); } else if (fix.heading() < 100) { tft.print("0"); tft.print(fix.heading()); } else { tft.print(fix.heading()); } gpsPort.print("PRUVA: "); gpsPort.println(fix.heading() );

delay(2); }