Currently in original enrollments manager you can create an enrollment anywhere between a site's configured min and max levels (typically 9-12 but this should be a top-level config we can drive from the backend later). In cells with no existing enrollment you can create one starting at the min level (e.g. 9) and in cells with an existing highest enrolled portfolio level you can create an enrollment in the next or any higher level. If a student currently has a level 9 portfolio for example, and you click through to create a level 12 enrollment, only a level 12 enrollment gets posted to the server and that student then has a sparse stack of portfolios that jumps from whatever level they were at right up to 12 (i.e. we don't need to and perhaps want to avoid creating empty intermediary portfolios if the admin's goal is to jump them forward)—this behavior varies a bit from what we discussed on the call in that we mentioned only needing to let people jump to the immediate next level and to let them jump one at a time if they need to go higher
Proposed initial implementation
For every available portfolio level between the currently highest one and the max (i.e 12), show a collapsed and ghosted out portfolio header at the top of the side panel with an "Enroll" button in place of the progress bar
When selecting an empty cell with NO current portfolio enrollments, given a global config of min=9 and max=12, you should see 4 such headers for levels 9-12 with enroll buttons
We do not want to "fill" the sidebar in with enroll buttons for intermediary portfolios—they should only be made available above the highest already-enrolled portfolio
example: if the student has a level 9 portfolio and a level 12 portfolio there will be no enroll buttons
example: if the student has a level 9 portfolio and a level 11 portfolio there would be one enroll button available for level 12 at the top of the side panel
There is no need to show a modal confirmation prompt for this action since it can easily be immediately undone with no side-effects via the "Delete portfolio" button
Currently in original enrollments manager you can create an enrollment anywhere between a site's configured min and max levels (typically 9-12 but this should be a top-level config we can drive from the backend later). In cells with no existing enrollment you can create one starting at the min level (e.g. 9) and in cells with an existing highest enrolled portfolio level you can create an enrollment in the next or any higher level. If a student currently has a level 9 portfolio for example, and you click through to create a level 12 enrollment, only a level 12 enrollment gets posted to the server and that student then has a sparse stack of portfolios that jumps from whatever level they were at right up to 12 (i.e. we don't need to and perhaps want to avoid creating empty intermediary portfolios if the admin's goal is to jump them forward)—this behavior varies a bit from what we discussed on the call in that we mentioned only needing to let people jump to the immediate next level and to let them jump one at a time if they need to go higher
Proposed initial implementation