SlatherOrg / slather

Generate test coverage reports for Xcode projects & hook it into CI.
MIT License
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Duplicates #530

Open JulesMoorhouse opened 1 year ago

JulesMoorhouse commented 1 year ago


I'm using Slather 2.7.3

I have quite a few ignore folders set in yml, I'm not able to set a single source folder. However, I've getting duplicate lines in the html report...

I use the command slather coverage --html --show

And the yml is ...

xcodeproj: ./RUN.xcodeproj
scheme: RUN_iOS Test
output_directory: ../slather-html
  - build/*
  - .git/*
  - .github/*
  - Player/*
  - ../../../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*
  - RUN_iOS/*
  - RUN_iOS_UITests/*
  - RUN_iOS_UnitTests/*
  - RunSDK/.swiftpm/*
  - RunSDK/Sources/RunSDKUnitTests/*
  - RunSDK/Sources/RunSDK/Generated/*
  - ChannelsAPI/*
  - Console/*
  - distribution/*
  - LiveStats/*
  - NetworkClient/*

I've added lots of ignore, figuring there was some sort of circular dependency, but the duplicates occurs before I add them too.

Any suggestions?


Jules. EDIT: I see there's mention of modules, but I'm using local SPMs