Sleepw4lker / PSCertificateEnrollment

PowerShell Module to ease requesting certificates on Windows
MIT License
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Cmdlet Idea: Grant-PrivateKeyAccess #3

Open Viajaz opened 2 years ago

Viajaz commented 2 years ago

A Cmdlet which grants Permissions to the Private Key of a Certificate in the Certificate Store would be useful.

Example: $Certificate could perhaps be location such as cert:\LocalMachine\My\FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF or perhaps just thumbprint? $Identity would be the security principal (eg: NETWORK SERVICE or DOMAIN\user) Permission parameter being either FullControl or Read

Grant-PrivateKeyAccess -Certificate $Certificate -Identity $Identity -Permission 'FullControl'

There is a Question-and-Answers on StackOverflow (How to Grant permission to user on Certificate private key using powershell?) on how to grant permissions but seemingly, anecdotally, doesn't seem reliable across platforms and use-cases, I also wonder if the example code provide would work with non-RSA keys but an answer I provided to another StackOverflow Question is useful in obtaining the absolute path of a Certificate Container.

Such a Cmdlet would be useful in order to automate configuration of key access after Certificate Installation as part of installation of a service or other such software.

Sleepw4lker commented 2 years ago

Hallo, many thanks for your feedback. Have a look at this. I plan to integrate this into the module in an upcoming version.

Viajaz commented 2 years ago

In regards to It could be useful to have Parameter $Certificate be set to accept ValueFromPipeline when you port it over as well as another parameter to specify System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights

ckrueger1979 commented 1 year ago

This works for regular (software based keys) and also for keys located in a HSM