SleepyDragon / dreamforge

Community system for sleepy dragon
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User Permissions & Entitlement #6

Open moonglum opened 12 years ago

moonglum commented 12 years ago

In order to interact with the community As an User I should be able to create threads and posts in all forums I should be able to edit my own posts I should be able to edit my profile I should be able to see the profiles of other users I shouldn't be able to edit another users profile

In order to protect the community As an User When I am no administrator I shouldn't be able to create forums or categories I shouldn't be able to destroy forums or categories I shouldn't be able to edit forums or categories

In order to be a good administrator within the community As an User When I am an administrator I should be able to create forums or categories I should be able to destroy forums or categories I should be able to edit forums or categories

In order to be protected from other users within the community As an User When I don't have the entitlment for the category I shouldn't be able to edit posts by other users I shouldn't be able to edit the gist of a thread

In order to be a good moderator within the community As an User When I do have the entitlment for the category I should be able to edit posts by other users I should be able to edit the gist of a thread

In order to maintain the project As a Developer I should be able to see a good documentation of the User Class


Has a boolean value moderator belongs_to :user, :forum User belongs_to :forum, :through => :entitlement