SleepyTrousers / EnderIO-1.5-1.12
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Feature Request: Valves/Pumps/Disconnects #226

Closed taigenraine closed 8 years ago

taigenraine commented 10 years ago

While I like the wrench it to pump it feature, I would like some better tiers for liquid movement. If pumps were added, they could be tiered like the power conduits are, and be able to keep up better in high intensity applications. Pumps could fit into the same block space as power/redstone/fluid, or just replace the fluid conduit in that block. Either way it could look more graphical then a few lines on the conduit, and meet or exceed the liquiduct pump rate at the maximum tier. (Currently I am forced to use liquiducts to pump out of my steam tanks to keep up with the machines that need such, which means I can't get the redstone conduits to the right place very elegantly)

The other feature I would love to see are valves, and for power conduits - disconnects.

Apply a redstone signal (or even better configurable to a specific redstone color), flow stops. Simple, but adds so many nice options (especially for troublesome machines such as rolling machine or factorization steam turbine, that consume regardless of work being done)

CrazyPants commented 10 years ago

I will be adding more tiers for liquid conduits at some stage, very much along the idea of the 'pumps'. In the 1.6 version of EIO you can already wrench conduits to disconect them and insulated redstone conduits have been added that allow for 'coloured' signals. Unfortunately I am not back porting these features to 1.5 due to the large effort involved and the rapidly diminishing numbers I am getting of 1.5 downloads. TE3 should be out very soon and (atleast for me) that is pretty much the only reason to stay on 1.5 gone.

taigenraine commented 10 years ago

I have used the wrench disconnect to good effect, but having redstone control for automation is even better. The one thing no-one has made possible is the ability to completely stop fluid transfer or power transfer based on a gate signal (unless you stop pumping/producing altogether, which doesn't allow diverting one way or another). The automation I am seeking is something along the lines of "does rolling machine have work, if no, disconnect power" or "steam tank is almost full, disconnect feed from boiler to conserve fuel". This sort of automation is not possible without a redstone based disconnect, much like AE's dark ME cable.

I actually work in the chemical process industry, and the way automation is done in real industry is through digital outputs and analog outputs. A digital output is a valve that is either fully shut or fully open. Analog is a valve that can open partway to allow throttleing. If these sort of features could be implemented (I would love to be able to precisely control flowrate of liquids) it would add a whole new layer of automation to industrial type setups.