SleepyTrousers / EnderIO-1.5-1.12
The Unlicense
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Paintable doors, trapdoors, and blocks? #318

Closed DoomRater closed 8 years ago

DoomRater commented 10 years ago

I noticed the conduit façades are really cool in that you can paint them, place them down anywhere, and as long as you have a wrench you can see and interact through them (this is amazing with Power Fist) but I would love a solid block that the wrench doesn't see through. I've been using painted slabs for the job so far and they're alright except for the currently glitchy blocks like clay and some modded blocks.

One thing that would be really awesome is painted wooden and painted iron doors. The number one advantage to having such blocks is that Archimede's Ships do not destroy the rest of the metadata and don't crash when compiling painted blocks, unlike pretty much every other modblock I've tried with it.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Please see Carpenter's Blocks mod.

DoomRater commented 10 years ago

I have repeated myself twice in other places- Carpenter's Blocks DO NOT WORK with Archimedes Ships. It is not a solution for what I need.

ghost commented 10 years ago

So bring that up with the Archimedes' Ship author...

DoomRater commented 10 years ago

It has already been brought up as not fixable. Geez.