Sleitnick / Knit

Lightweight game framework for Roblox
MIT License
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ServiceName must be a string; got table #228

Closed axisdadev closed 1 year ago

axisdadev commented 1 year ago

Followed the tutorial on the docs and YouTube video followed it thoroughly, not sure whats happening here but every time I call the service I get this error.

ServiceName must be a string; got table

I'm not sure what really could be causing this,

`local Knit = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Knit) local Signal = require(Knit.Util.Signal)

local MusicService = Knit.CreateService { Name = "MusicService", Client = {SoundtrackUpdate =}, } `

royce-mathew commented 1 year ago

You don't have to require the signal module to create a signal. You can create a signal directly by doing

local Knit = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Packages").Knit)
local MusicService = Knit.CreateService {
 Name = "MusicService",
 Client = {
  SoundtrackUpdate = knit.CreateSignal();
axisdadev commented 1 year ago

Still has the same issue, ServiceName must be a string; got table

royce-mathew commented 1 year ago

At the end of the module are you returning MusicService?

return MusicService
axisdadev commented 1 year ago

Yes i am.

royce-mathew commented 1 year ago

Are you able to post the module script here? Also, instead of doing close with comment, you can just do a normal comment and then close this issue when it's fixed.

axisdadev commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I accidentally keep clicking the wrong button.

Anyways here is my code.

` local Knit = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Knit) local Signal = require(Knit.Util.Signal)

local MusicService = Knit.CreateService { Name = "MusicService", Client = { SoundtrackUpdate = Knit.CreateSignal(); } }

function MusicService:KnitInit() print(script.Name .. ": Initalized") end

function MusicService:KnitStart() print(script.Name .. ": Started") end

-- code --

function MusicService:ServerPlaySoundtrack(soundTrackObject: Sound) self.CurrentSoundtrack = soundTrackObject soundTrackObject:Play() soundTrackObject.Volume = 0 self.Client.SoundtrackUpdate:Fire(soundTrackObject) end

function MusicService.Client:GetCurrentPlayingTrack() local currentSoundtrack = self.CurrentSoundtrack return currentSoundtrack end

function MusicService:SetTrackPosition(soundTrackObject: Sound) soundTrackObject.TimePosition = self.CurrentSoundtrack.TimePosition end

return MusicService `

royce-mathew commented 1 year ago

You cannot describe functions inside the client table. Instead of doing

function MusicService.Client:GetCurrentPlayingTrack()
  local currentSoundtrack = self.CurrentSoundtrack
  return currentSoundtrack

You could instead, create a remote property for the current soundtrack and use the following documentation.

(Also, you can embed code on Github by enclosing your code inside `lua and closing it with another set of \`\)

wrello commented 1 year ago

Hey, if you haven't solved this yet, I was able to reproduce the error with Knit.GetService({}).

You might possibly be using Knit:GetService(serviceName) instead of Knit.GetService(serviceName) somewhere in your code base. It's an error I've ran into a few times myself and can be quite confusing if you don't notice the extra dot making it a ":" instead of a ".".