Slevinski / apitxt

The ApiTxt Project is a custom build environment for the development of SignPuddle 3 and other RESTful APIs.
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Datasets ? #7

Open teytaud opened 1 year ago

teytaud commented 1 year ago

SignPuddle looks super exciting. There has been a number of successful experiments on automatic language translation, including from small corpus, in particular . Are there texts in SignPuddle that are available for free, at least for people who would like to provide free translation from/to SignPuddle ? Thanks for any feedback.

Slevinski commented 1 year ago

For automatic translation with sign language and SignWriting, check out

For organized datasets check out

SignPuddle 2 is available online. The data can be exported and used for whatever purpose free of charge without restriction.

This repository was for SignPuddle 3 development, but development was halted a few years ago when we closed down the non-profit. I still work on SignWriting on the weekends, but I donate my time now rather than being able to work full-time.

For future developments, I've focused on creating support libraries for others to use.

Slevinski commented 1 year ago

You may also be interested in the data available from . It is a daily export of SignPuddle 2.0 data. The API is documented and ready to use. SignPuddle 2 is still the standard place people for people to write.

You can find the individual signpuddle SQLite 3 databases online, but you have to use http instead of https to access them. It's a legacy server issue.

Slevinski commented 1 year ago

To see the API in action, open this page.

You can press the "Run All" button to run all of the examples against the live server. Then press the "Show" links for the request or response.

You can also press the "Get" buttons to run individual examples.

To use any of the links in the documentation, such as /puddle/language/ase, you would use this link: