SlexAxton / require-handlebars-plugin

A plugin for handlebars in require.js (both in dev and build)
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looking for hb in wrong directory #223

Open justinshea opened 9 years ago

justinshea commented 9 years ago


I have the hb plugin here:

'paths': {
   'hbs': '../components/require-handlebars-plugin/hbs',

'hbs': {
   'helpers': true,
   'templateExtension': 'handlebars',

Plugin is requesting file from here:


File Structure is

index.html js/app js/app/main.js (requirejs.config) js/app/templates/ js/components/require-handlebars-plugin/hbs

How can I configure so that handlebars gets pulled from the correct directory (the dependency that comes packaged with the plugin I would assume)